Chapter 6- Broken

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Chapter 6- Broken 

Kelli's p.o.v 

I looked around as i walked home, just to be sure I'm not being followed. I am not in need of another beating just because i have people coming to my home wanting to be 'friends' with me. 

In all honesty that should be the least of my worries Intel those people came up to me and tried to talk to me. Why me? Whats so special about me?

Maybe they just want to use me just like every one else. Even my mate. I mean who would want me... I'm broken. I hate to emit it but i am, i am the broken person that no one ever wanted. 

I looked at my new home from the outside. Its not bad looking if you could see inside it would be different, i know that there is already beer bottles and cans spread though the house and its only been a day. 

I put my head back down and walked to the entrance of the house. I went to open the door only to hear someone calling my name and running towards me.

I turned around horrified that he even dared followed me to my home. He might be my mate but this is wrong, for all he knows i couldn't know of his kind. 

That's how ill play it off, i guess.  I looked at him as he got closer and looked over at the window and i could sense Steve waiting.. i know he knows that there's a fellow wolf near by and its my fault. 

I gulped this is going to be a long night, I looked up at my mate as he looked at me with pure concern. "are you okay?" he whispered gently. I just nodded in response hoping it was enough. 

It wasnt. 

"Please just tell me your okay" he pleaded. I looked at him with pleading eyes just wishing he would go away.  I nodded and mouthed 'please' 

He looked at me strangely and grunted angrily "Fine" he said before walking into the woods but not before turning around and saying "Why cant you see i love you?"

"Why cant you see I'm broken?" i whispered hoping he wouldn't hear me. I breathed in and walked though the door. 

Steve stepped next me and locked the door and started circling me. "Please just let me explain" i spoke gently in which i just got a growl in response. 

Next thing i knew i was pinned onto the wall with tears streaming down my face. Both of his hands wrapped around my neck making it almost impossible for me to breath. 

I clawed at his arms hoping he would let me go but to no avail. "Please" i whispered. He laughed a sickening laugh that never failed to scare me to the bone, 

"you brought an alpha here, hes your mate isn't he you silly little girl you think he will want you, look at you no one wants you not even your parents. Why do you think your here with me?" he spat. 

Hes right. I'm going to take what i deserve, what i know i deserve. I looked down in defeat. 

"That's right hide its the only thing your good at" he hissed. and dropped me on the ground and started to kick and punch me in the stomach, arms, and even my legs. I knew that in the morning i would be sore but this is what i deserve. 


And with that i fell into the blackness.... again. 


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