3 | Truly Yours 2

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Christina Marie Lee-Cole

When I arrived at the studio, I expected Jermaine to be there by himself, or at least with just Miguel, but boy was I wrong. The whole damn crew was there! Miguel, Drake, and even Kendrick was posted up on each leather couch, talking, and drinking whatever was inside their white, double styrofoam cups.

When I walked through the door, they all greeted me with "Wassup", or "My nigga!", except for Miguel bitch ass of course.

"Wassup," Drake greeted me.

"My nigga Chris!" Kendrick stated.

I laughed as I hugged both of them, then looked at Miguel until he said something.

"I like that ring," Miguel finally said as he pointed at my ring finger.

"I hate you," I laughed.

That nigga know good and well he already saw it.

"That mothafucka' nice!" Kendrick said as he grabbed my hand to get a better look. "This what 'ol boy Jermaine Cole got you?"

"That's only a temporary," Jermaine laughed. "We agreed to get one together that she liked."

"Oh okay," Kendrick replied as he let go of my hand. "It's still nice!

"Thanks," me and J said at the exact same time.

"J can I talk to you?" I asked him.

"Yeah, wassup?"

"In private please?"

"Oh shit that ass in trouble," Kendrick laughed.

"Stay strong bro," Drake stated.

"Trouble in paradise already?" Miguel asked as Jermaine raised up out of his seat.

Once he was out his seat, he reluctantly followed me out the room. Considering that their studio is inside a business building, I expected for numerous people to be roaming the halls. Luckily, there wasn't. This was the perfect time to tell him the news.

When we got out in the hallway together, he raised his eyebrows as he waited for me to say something. I handed him the envelope that contained the pictures, and he yet again gave me another look.

"What's this?" he asked.

When I didn't reply back, he let out a deep breath and opened it. When he opened it and realized what was on the inside, you could tell he was shocked.

"Who's are these?"

"Jermaine who's do you think they are?"

He looked at the pictures again before saying something.

"How many months?"


He looked back down at the pictures, then placed his hands on his head as if he was stressed out.

"Jermaine say something!"

"I'm not ready for a child yet."

I wouldn't say that his words came off as surprise, but they sort of did. What happened to the Jermaine that said he couldn't wait to start a family? Now he's switching up?

I understand that it's a little early for me to be pregnant, we just got engaged two weeks ago, but seriously? What does he mean he isn't ready for a child? What does this ring on my finger symbolize then? He's ready for marriage, but not a child? I understand the whole sex before marriage, and child out of wedlock thing, but it's a little too late for Jermaine to claim team Christian right about now.

"What do you mean you aren't ready for a child? What happened to the Jermaine that said he couldn't wait to start a family? What the fuck does this ring symbolize then?"

"Chris I -"

"This ring symbolizes the rest of our life together! You're ready for marriage, but not a child?"

"Chris I wanted to take you to pick out your ring first, I wanted to go and look at houses together, move in together, plan our wedding together. Once all that was out the way, then we could talk about starting a family. It was so many things I wanted to do first. Now I have to put all that shit on hold and tend to the needs of you and this baby."

"So what am I suppose to do? Tell this baby to leave and come back once all of that is done and out the way? This baby is suppose to be put on hold because you haven't gotten your shit together? You act like this baby is coming tomorrow! This baby is going to be inside me for at least a good six or seven more months! That's plenty of time to go and get rings, look at houses, and buy one!"

"Did you forget about the wedding? Chris planning out this wedding isn't going to be a piece of cake. I see what happens when people plan them out. It gets frustrating, it gets stressful. How are we suppose to plan out a wedding with you pregnant? Stress isn't going to be good on the baby," he argued.

"You act like we can't plan out the wedding after the baby comes! Baby I'm not in a rush to get married. Our perfect day will come when time tells. Do you know who you are, who we are? We get through shit together as a team! Don't back out on me now!"

He didn't say anything as he placed the pictures back inside the envelope and handed it back to me.

"Can you just give me some time?"

I threw my hands up in capitulation as I began to walk away.

"Don't bother calling me cause I won't be home tonight," I said as I clutched my purse and started down the hall.

"Where the fuck are you going then?"


"Out where? You better not be drinking shit while you're pregnant with my child!"

I gave him the bird as I turned the corner and headed towards the nearest elevator. Of course I wasn't going to go drink. How stupid did he think I was? I honestly didn't even know where I was about to go. As soon as I got back inside my car, I would drive to wherever my car would take me. I just needed to clear my head.

I wasn't giving up this baby, and I know common sense will eventually kick into Jermaine, but I just hope it doesn't take long. I'm tried of all of this fussing and fighting for nothing. Just when I thought everything was going smooth, Jermaine's ass just had to have us back at square one.

A/N - y'all know them lol. they always into it about something. but you guys know what to do! hope you all had a nice holiday!

Truly Yours 2 | J. ColeWhere stories live. Discover now