11 | Truly Yours 2

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Christina Marie Lee-Cole

Sooner than both me and Jermiane expected, it was time for my follow up appointment. I was finally far enough along in my pregnancy to find out what the gender of the baby. I was so excited about finding out, but for some odd reason, J was more excited than I was.

On our way to the actual doctors office, we got a full blown argument on what gender the baby would be. I obviously had my money on a boy, where as, he had his on a girl. Just for fun, we decided to even make a bet out if it.

If the gender of the baby was a boy, J had to take me shopping, and to go get my nails and feet done. Although it was something pretty simple, I badly needed to go on a shopping spree. It has definitely been a while since I've gone shopping, and the nails and feet job was just thrown in for fun.

J on the other hand? Of course he had to turn everything into something sexual. If he won the bet, I had to do a 'sexy strip tease dance' while he sat in a chair and watched and received the dance. The idea actually wasn't so bad, but the only problem was, is that I'm obviously pregnant.

How am I suppose to feel sexy while pregnant?

Now that we were finally called back into the room for our appointment, it was time for the exciting part. Jermaine sat in the chair directly next to the examining table, holding my hand. I was so sure that the baby would be a boy, and I couldn't wait until I could rub it in Jermaine's face!

"Hello, are you the father?" the nurse asked as he greeted us and shook both of our hands.

I was not surprised to see that the nurse today was the same exact nurse that I had when I came in for my first appointment.

"Yes sir I am," Jermaine smiled as big as he could. "I'm her fiancée."

"Oh, how cool! You're a very lucky guy! Your soon to be wife is very beautiful sir."

"Thank you," J chuckled.

"First child?"

"Yes sir. I can't wait until she brings our first addition to our family into the world."

"Well, next week will actually, officially be the fifth month of the pregnancy. She's far enough along to find out the gender. Did you guys want to find out, or was it going to be a surprise when the big day comes?"

"Could we find out the gender today?" I asked.

"Oh course," he exclaimed as he went go set up the machine that he was using.

Once having me lay back on my back, I lifted my shirt up so he could apply the gel. As soon as did, I couldn't help but laugh. The same cold and tingly feeling of course happened as Jermaine shook his head at me. Everything suddenly became serious though as the generated picture finally showed up on the screen.

"Well," the nurse started as he looked at the picture.

"Well?" Jermaine raised an eyebrow.

"You two will be having a girl!" he exclaimed.

Me and Jermaine instantly looked at each other and burst out into laughter. I was upset that a little Jermaine was inside of my tummy, but I was still happy. I couldn't wait to spoil my baby just like J couldn't wait either. The downside about all of this though was, was that we still had the bet to think about.

I was tired of him always wining every bet!

After the nurse explained exactly what were looking at on the screen, we thanked him for all of his work, he gave us our sonogram pictures to keep, then when were on our way. I couldn't wait to call everyone and tell them the good news, and also couldn't wait for the fun part - which was the baby shower! The not so fun part that I actually could wait for?

Going home and listening to Jermaine rub this in my face as I have to follow through with what we shook on.


A.N - Short chapter, but at least you guys found out some very valuable information! Thoughts on the gender? Names? You know what to do.

Truly Yours 2 | J. ColeWhere stories live. Discover now