Chapter 3

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A few shows later

It was great being back together with boys. We have so much fun and also I meet some cool new people called Don Broco and also some fans.
Today we are in Dublin. It's the second night and it's the 27.04.16. I really like Ireland and the Irish People.
While 5sos plays a great show I was talking with Rob, because we haven't find time to do it before. We were sitting in the room from 5sos.
"So you are 20 but you got Birthday this year in August ? "
"That's correct!"
"And you are a good friend of the boys form the beginning. That's so cool! I never had a friend that I know for so long. Actually you know Ashton for 16 years now. This unbelievable. "
We were talking about so many different things. And this feels so good to talk to someone also about more serious things. We have so many different things we like. And I can't feel that we have a age difference from 8 years. I feel so good when he's around me. I think I just started to really like him.
While we were talking I put my head in his shoulder, because it's more comfortable for me and it was okay for him.
Michael was the first one that came in after the show and he make a dram out of the way we lie there. But it was so funny. I said goodbye to him and spend the rest of the Evening with the boys.


We were in Munich this day. So back in Germany and this was so cool for me, because I can talk German with everybody. The day was so good. I meat a lot of fans and some friends. At the evening after the Don Broco Show, Rob asked me, after his aftershow shower, if we want to take a walk in the park. I nodded an we went outside. Actually the time was really good, no fans just some parents. I talked with some really quick and than we went in the "Olympiapark". After a few minutes off walking, I felt that he want to grab my hand to walk hand in hand. This was so cute and romantic, also the sun was going down right now.
"I am such an idiot."
"I haven't I take a jacket with me."
"You can have mine babe. "
He said babe 😍 After a long back and forth I had his jacket around me and it was so big but comfortable. We walked on and talked the whole walk. Then there was a bench and we sat down.
"This date today is so beautiful. I think you should mark it in your calendar." he said.
"Why? It's a normal day."
"Because we are her together in Munich and this is cool."
"Do you trying to ask me if I want to be your Girlfriend? "
He laughs "No I am not. It's just a beautiful day."
"If you wanna ask me than do it know and direct. I don't like this talking around the things thing."
He did this streging thing, where he put his arm around me. I start laughing so hard at this. He laughed too.
"So Katy can I ask you just 1 question real fast? "
This was the next Chapter. Do you like it? Make sure to leave a like then.
What is the 1 question Rob wanna ask her? Do you have any ideas?

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