Chapter 4

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Rob Pov.

"So Katy can I ask you just 1 question real fast? "
I was really nervous to ask her. I hope she will say yes.
"I really like you ,the last time we spend together were so nice and feel so good when you are around me. So my question is: Do you wanna be my Girlfriend ?"
It was quite for a few seconds. They feel like hours. Then she start to talk.
"OMG. YES! " She smiled so bright. I was really happy. I took her head with one hand and kissed her real quick on the mouth. This was so magical and romantic. She put her legs on mine and and laid her head on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead. It was quite for a few minutes. We just enjoy this moment. It was so beautiful. I looked on my phone "We have to go if we wanna be back on time and without meeting some fans. "
I kissed her real fast and than we go back to the Arena.

Katy Pov.

This was the best moment in a long time for me. I was so happy. On our way back I asked him if we are together now and if we wanna to tell the other. He said that we are together now and that he is really happy with this and that we will not tell the other right away. I was happy with this decision.
When we were back I can here that 5sos playing the last song "She looks so perfect ". We got backstage and than 5sos came back from stage. They look really happy. I said goodbye to Rob and went with the boys in there backstage room. I still had Rob's jacket on, I think that's why Ash asked me. "Ahhhhaaa! What did you do while our show? "
"I just went for a walk in the park."
"No, with Rob. That's why I have his jacket if this is what you wanna know. I was to dumb to take my own 😂"
"So I should believe you that there happened nothing. I can tell by the looks that you give him, that you really like him Katy. I am not dumb."
"Ash can we go out please I need to tell you something. "
"Are you pregnant or what happened?"
"No, I am not. "
We went outside the Arena.
This was the next Chapter. I hope you like it. If you dis make sure to leave a like.
Do you have an idea why she want to tell him?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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