4. Labeled.

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"Anne no." my voice laced with reassurance that I didn't want to do this.

"You do not say no to your grandma you are gonna help me." Anne spoke with a firm voice.

"I already did I helped you bake all these cookies for that party."

"And now you gonna help me pass it out."

An annoyed groan left my mouth when a door opened and in came Mark.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up when he walked into the kitchen and his eyes went from Anne to me.

His tall statue and his dark eyes could intimidate anyone.
Wrinkles were already forming around his eyes and his dark black hair had sprinkles of Grey.
His beer belly could inform anyone of his drinking habits and also the fact that he smelled of it.
He looks as if he has been away for days with his red blood shot eyes and the way his eyes droop.

"Mother." He finally spoke with a angry husky voice filling the room.

"Mark I told her to help me bake for the Alpha's son birthday, she is also coming with me to help hand them out."

"You dare try to take away my daughter without my permission ...again." His voice was getting louder and filled with rage.

A grin tugged at the corner of her lips and she snorted. "Now she's your daughter please you treat her like a ragdoll. And I am not taking her from you; she's coming back its just for a little while. Get over yourself Mark you will not run your mother like you do to Adeline."


I jumped at the sound of his voice. My eye closed tightly just hoping I would disappear.

"You will not. Adeline is coming with me and if dare think about putting a hand on one of us for this. Ill cut off the hand you used to do it." Anne spoke firmly and with warning.

"You do not scare me mother and by the way your just putting her in a risky situation. No body likes Adeline everyone knows what she did-"

"I did not do nothing." My voice cut the air like a knife breaking the argument between Anne and Mark.

Suddenly I regret the words that spurred out of my mouth when Mark stood in front of me all of a sudden and pushed me against counter.

"Do not speak out of line slut. You know what you did and u better thank the moon gods that your precious grandma is here because you would have payed for those very words." His voice was low and threatening.

Every time he threatens me I felt weak but the wolf inside of me growled and pushed me to try and hurt the person that was threatening me but I held back. I have to keep my wolf a secret so it needs to simmer down.

With that he pushed off of me and walked out of the house slamming the door behind him.


The walk to the Alpha's house felt like years were passing by.

The closer we got the more I felt sick and the heavier my legs felt.

This was the first time I was going to the Alpha's house and I just wanted to run back with arms wailing. I don't know where but somewhere.

"Anne I cant do this." I spoke with a shaky voice.

"Yes you can, no one is going to bully you. Not on my watch. Just remember do not look into Alpha Don's eyes or his son Adrian."

Adrian. For some reason it brought a warm fuzzy feeling in me.

Rejected, Abused and The Omega *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now