Chapter Six

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Ali's POV

After stressing about my brother for a few more minutes I walk out of the room and back into the living room. I need to get home and get some rest I don't know if it's all this new activity that I've done but I feel really tired.

I look down at my phone to see that it's after eleven in the morning and I haven't eaten anything. I place a hand on my stomach as I start to feel slightly hungry. I come to a stop in the living room as I look over at the piano.

That really is a beautiful instrument I walk over to it and sat down. I rest my phone on top of it and start to play. I learnt to play the piano when I was a little girl about six or seven.

It was after my grandma died and it was the only way that I could make my dad smile so I learnt to play for him. It was our special time together and we became very close.

I am there playing for a while before I heard to sounds of footsteps behind me I smile as I think about Giovanni watching me like before. I finish the piece that I was playing and turn around to find a woman standing behind me.

I stand automatically feeling incredibly shy and somewhat under dress. I look over at the woman she has bright blue eyes and tall brown hair. She is wearing a simple white dress that sits on her like it was made just for her.

Her bright blue eyes staring at me in shock as if she can't believe that I am here then again neither can I. I look down at my hands as if feel my cheeks getting hot why I don't know.

Giovanni then walks into the room holding his phone in his hands his head is buried in it so he doesn't see us. I hear my phone ring and I turn around to look at to see that it's him calling me.

I take it up and turn around to find him staring at me with relief filled eyes. He looks at me then back at the woman.

"Ali this is Helen Kirks a business partner and friend" he says walking up to me. "Where were you?" he asks and I can hear a form of anger in his voice.

"I was upstairs talking to my mom" I whisper.

He breaths and closes his eyes. "I thought you had left" he wraps his hands around my waist.

"Do you want me to leave?" I ask looking at his chest.

He grabs my chin and tilts my head back so I have to look at him his eyes are dark and serious as he places a light kiss on my lips.

"Never" he says seriously when we pull apart.

I blush as his words run through me I look up at Helen and she is eyeing us in shock and I frown. Giovanni follows my gaze back to her and he sighs and I can tell that he has to work.

"It's okay" I say placing my hands on his chest and he lets me.

So I can touch him there I look down at my hand and I notice that he's wearing a shirt. I frown at the thought so I can only touch him when he has on a shirt. I slowly pull out of his hold and take up my phone.

"I have to go" I say softly.

I watch as a bunch of emotions wash over him but fear is the main one. And it makes me wonder what is he afraid of?

"I'll see tomorrow" I say heading for his bedroom and he follows behind me.

"You don't have to go" he says walking up behind me.

I turn around and give him a small smile. "Actually I do I have to shower and change" I say looking down at his shirt and blush.

"I can take care of that" he walks out of the room and I don't know why but I follow him.

He walks over to the table where is phone is and takes it up and dials someone. "Jakes I need you to go out and get me a dress" he commands.

I shake my head and walk up to him I take the phone from his ears and end the call. He is looking at me strangely as if I just did something unthinkable. I know that what he is doing is sweet but I don't want him to do it.

That is not why I'm here with him I didn't sleep with him for his money I did it because I like him and if he gets me a dress after what we did it will make me feel cheap and I don't want that.

"I don't need a dress I have clothes at home" I tell him with a smile.

He sighs and runs his hands through his hair and I can tell that he's getting angry. I sigh and walk up to him I wrap my hands around his neck and kiss him lightly.

Just as I was about to pull back he tightens his hold on me and deepens our kiss his tongue invading my mouth and I moan. I am getting wet already and all he's done is kiss me.

"Don't go" he says against my lip.

"I have to please understand" I say stroking his cheek.

I really have to get home I need to talk to Katie about all that has happened and ask her if my brother can stay here when he decides to stop by.

"Okay but call me the minute you are home" he says and it's a command.

I smile and kiss him again. "I will now go work" I try to command and he chuckles.

The minute I step foot in my apartment Katie jumps me and starts bombarding me with a million questions. I swear this girl has some strange agenda or something. After I go over every single detail of this morning I shower and crash on my bed. I really am tired.


The feel of warm lips on mine kissing my body woke me from my sleep I slowly open my eyes to find Giovanni hovering over me. I smile as I slightly strokes his cheeks.

I wonder when he got here. I look over to my right to see that it's dark out. How long have I been a sleep? When I look back at Giovanni he as an arched brow.

Oh shit I forgot to call him when I got home. I got so carried away talking to Katie that I totally forgot about him. God I hope he's not mad at me.

He doesn't look mad at all. Then again I can never really tell with this man.

"Hi" I say softly my voice horsed. "Sorry" I added quickly.

He sighs and lowers his body on mine he places a lock of hair behind my ears and gently strokes my cheek and I melt. His touch connects with everything in me.

He lowers his head and kisses me softly his lips gently teasing me and my body comes to life at his gently touch. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him deeper into me.

I can feel him hardening by my touch and I feel so powerful as his erection is pushing into my stomach. He groans into my mouth as I pull on his hair. I want him right now my body is calling out for him.

He pulls away from me and rests his head on mine as we listen to our breathing even out.

"Have you eaten?" he asks nuzzling my neck.

I pale and he sighs and looks down at me with a frown. I know I was forgetting something before I went to bed but I couldn't remember what. But I'm not feeling hungry.

"Have you eaten anything at all?" he asks seriously.

I shake my head feeling like a child all of a sudden. He groans and rolls off of me that was unexpected. I was expecting him to make love to me not get angry at me.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask turning to face him.

"No" he said taking to his feet. "Come we're going for dinner" he says and I know not to argue with him.

I get out of bed and follow behind him I don't have to ask I know he's angry but I don't blame him I do have a tendency to not eat. He carries me out of the building and into his car that was parked out front.

I have a feeling that this dinner is not going to go over well with him. I sit in his car and pout as he drives out now I'm angry.


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