Chapter Twenty Six

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Ali's POV

Pain, hurt and confusion is all that is running through me right now. Someone shot my dad my daddy. Why would anyone want to hurt him he is the nicest person I know? Oh god why is all this happening ?

I have been trying to be strong and not break but it's no use all I think about is my dad being in pain and that puts me in pain too and I hate it. I feel warm hands on mine I look over to see Giovanni looking at me.

He packed us up and left the cabin the same day the rest of the group wanted to come but I didn't want to ruin their vacation so I told them not to. I take a deep breath as he pulls me into his arms.

I'm so glad that I have him to hold my up I don't know what I would do without him. The car comes to a stop and I look up to see that we are at the hospital.

I take a deep breath and get out of the car I have no idea what I'm walking into but I know it's not good.

"Rile Harrison" I say my voice low.

The woman at reception looks up at me then back at her computer she was about to speak when I saw my mom.

I ran to her and hugged her letting my tears flow freely. I feel so broken right now I can't imagine what she is going through. Her husband the love of her life the father of her children is hurt.

All the fights and arguments that we had just seem to fade away and it makes my heart break to think I might lose him. I can't lose him.

"What happened mom?" I ask as she wipes my tears.

She doesn't answer she just hugs me as I cry harder. This is so hard and painful I feel like I want to die. My poor daddy.


I am sitting in the waiting room just staring at the ground counting every tile in front of me over and over again. It is frustrating and not helping at all I want my dad back I don't want anything else.

He has to come back to me he needs to come back. He has to meet Giovanni like him scold him give him to father talk. Give me away at my wedding be there when I have my first child he just has to be around for all of that and more.

I am going out of my mind with worry he has been in surgery for so long I wonder what they are doing. My mom isn't telling me anything and I'm starting to get angry I want answers as to what happened.

My mom walks into the room with a sad look on her face I look up and she is cover in blood but I don't care I want answers out of her.

"Mom you have to tell me what happened?" I say my voice firm.

She looks up at me with fear in her eyes and I know it's bad but before she can say anything Ryan walks into the room and it all makes sense.

He did this this all happened because of him I look at him and he has tears running down his gave and I lost it. I don't know what came over me I just walked up to him and started hitting him.

"I hate you. I hate you" I yell as my tears run free.

He pulls me into his arms hugging me as I fall to the ground crying and screaming. This is so painful too painful for me to handle on my own.

I take to my feet pulling away from him I need to be away from him from this place before I kill him. I turn to leave the hospital when I stop as I feel dizzy and the world starts spinning before I can catch myself I fall.


I feel tired and weak my head hurts and I can't seem to open my eyes. God what is happening to me? I try opening my eyes and to my delight they do open I look around to see that I'm in the hospital in my own room.

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