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Book 2

My Billionaire Lover (Memories)

Giovanni's POV

When love turns to hurt then hurt turns to pain and death and loneliness. This has been my life for the last two years. I had the love of my life in my life bringing everything into its own and making me happy.

Then one night with one mistake I lost it all and her. It has been two years since Ali's death and I haven't been the same since. I have no idea how I am functioning without her but somehow I am

My life hasn't been the same since she died none of our lives have been her absent is everywhere and in everything and it hurts.

I am standing in my office looking out at the pouring rain wishing I could wash all my problems and hurt away but I can't.

"Mr. Ross there is um...someone here to see you" my assistant says I frown and look at the intercom I have never known Paula to stutter.

I sigh and take up the phone I wonder who could be here I don't remember scheduling a meeting for today.

"Who is it?" I ask sternly.

"Um...a Ms. Hilton from Hilton publishing house" she says nervously.

I groan why does all these people keep coming to me I have been handling my business and Ali's for the past two years. It makes me feel close to her to be doing her work but it is beginning to take a toll on me.

I groan. "Send her in" I just want to get through this meeting and go home.

I put the phone down and walk back over to my window looking out I hear my door open and close but I don't turn around. I don't have the energy to deal with this right now.

"Wow you have an amazing view" I hear an all too familiar voice say.

I turn around to be met with a pair of breath taking green eyes. Everything in my body freezes and I think I might faint but I hold myself. This cannot be happening. How is this possible?

I take a good look at her and to see she looks like Ali is an understatement I have a feel towards her that only Ali gives me. This isn't true it can't be.

"Are you done staring at me" she says with an arched brow.

I shake my head and try to recover my thought I walk up to her and extend my hands I have to feel her to feel if it's her or just my mind making up things.

"Giovanni Ross" I say getting back to business.

"Ali Hilton" she shakes my hand and the pull is there.

I look up and her and she has stopped breathing and I know she feels it too but how is this possible. She quickly pulls her hand away and brushes her hair behind her ear and I can tell she's nervous.

This has to be more that a resemblance I feel that pull and that same nervous behavior. I have to find out more about this woman she looks too much like Ali for me not to find out what is happening.

"Please" I say walking to my desk.

She gives me a smile and takes a seat in front of my desk crossing her legs giving me a good glimpse of her legs. I can't contain my wild thoughts as I look at her she is too much like Ali even her name is the same.

I have to find out more about this woman she reminds me too much of my love I have to know her better...

Look out for this next page turner of mine it's not quite finished yet but i'm getting there i know y'all are going to love it. See y'all around. 

DJ - xoxox

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