Chapter Eight

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Ali's POV

It's Friday and exactly five days since I last saw or spoke to Giovanni and I have to say it hasn't been the easiest week in my life. I never knew that I could miss someone so much after knowing them for such a short time.

I really do miss him. Maybe I took this whole thing a little too far and I overreacted wouldn't be the first time that I did that. But I have this feeling telling me that I am doing the right thing so why do I feel so bad.

"Package for Harrison" I hear someone call.

I look up to see a delivery man holding a box in his hands. I walk up to him and sigh for the package. I place it in the back and return to work it was the lunch rush so I didn't have much time to inspect it.

After the lunch rush died down and the café was once again back in its quite state I took the box over to the reading area and opened it. There was a single red rose inside with a not stuck to it. And another box.

I take out the rose and smell it, it was heavenly. I take the note off and opened it to see that it was from Giovanni I smile.

'I'm sorry.

Please have dinner with me tonight.

If you accept come to my home if not I will understand.'

I place the note on the table as I open the second box. My eyes popped as I look at the books inside. They were all my favorite novels from when I was a kid growing up. I take out one of the Nancy Drew novels and open it.

I still can't believe that he bought all of these for me it's so sweet and touching that I can't help but feel happy. I can't wait for dinner tonight. Just as I close the box and walk over to the counter I see Annie running into the café.

I turn around just as she nears me she hugs me tightly as if holding on for dear life. Before I can ask her what is wrong a man walks in. He has a piece of wire in his hands and he looks angry.

Annie's grip on my tightens as he nears us and I know that he hurt her. I look up at the man and he has dark hair and cold dark blue eyes that are red.

I can smell the alcohol on him and he hasn't reached me has yet. I feel for Annie no wonder she came to me.

"Come here you bitch" he spat making the both of us jump.

Annie tightens her hold on me and I can feel her tears soaking into my shirt. I wrap my arms around her feeling protective all of a sudden of her. This man looks like a dangerous guy and what is Annie doing with him.

"Please don't let him take me" Annie cries looking at me.

My eyes widen in shock as I look at her she has a busted lip and a swollen cheek. Oh my god how can someone do this to a child.

"Annie I need you to go behind the counter and stay there don't come out unless I come for you okay" I tell her she nods and does as I tell her.

The man is glaring at me as I step to him I have no idea what I am doing but I feel as if I have to protect this girl from him. I walk until I am right in front of him.

"Get out" I say firmly.

I watch as he clenches his jaw in anger and try to push pass me. I grab his shoulder he turns around angrily and lashes his hand with the wire and it hits my side. I cry out man that stings like a bitch.

I can still feel it the spot is hot and burning as if he hasn't stopped hitting me. I place a hand on my side as I try to ease off the sting but it's no use. The sound of Annie screaming caused me to look up he was holding her by the hair.

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