chapter three

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Riley was lying awake in her bed, it was Saturday so it was more than unlikely that Maya was going to come through her window – primarily because Cory and Topanga had made it more than clear that mornings on the weekends were meant to be Matthew Mornings, Maya could have her the rest of the day. Slowly, she dragged herself out of bed, feeling less than motivated to get up since she wasn't being told the day wasn't waiting for her. She tugged on a sweater and some leggings and made her way over to the kitchen for the Matthew Morning Breakfast, todays feast was Cory's super special waffles. The secret was he replaced most if not all of the flower in the recipe with powdered sugar.

"Morning sweetheart!" Topanga said kissing her on the top of her head. Riley smiled, but she wasn't exactly happy. It wasn't that she didn't love her family, because she did, but they were everywhere all the time. It wasn't like with Maya where she could just do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted.

"Are all of you going to the café today?" Cory asked scooping a waffle out of the waffle maker, "because I can give you Monday's lesson today if you'd like." Riley nodded and looked down at her sugary plate.

"Yeah we're going to the café, and I think we're good on the lesson dad. Lucas texted me last night saying he's switching over to Farkles side- maybe this isn't a world war." Cory laughed and Topanga muttered 'oh no.'

"You know Italy switched sides during the war too."

"So you think we're still at war, dad?" Cory moved to sit next to Riley.

"I hope not sweetheart." They hugged, like always, and when Riley was finished eating and all fueled up on artificial energy she changed her clothes and left for the café.

When Riley got to the café Maya and Lucas were sitting next to each other already and Farkle was ordering a muffin at the counter. Riley took a seat on the chair next to the one with Farkles stuff on it, which he moved to the table so he could sit down.

"Maya, everyone is on my side except you. Why is that?" Farkle asked pulling off the paper on his muffin.

"Farkle you and Riley flirted in front of Smackle throughout your entire relationship," she leaned back a little and slightly towards Lucas, "She had the right to be worried that you two were something else."

Farkle and Riley looked at each other and laughed.

"That's silly Maya, we're obviously not." Riley said, focusing mainly on how much conversation she probably missed because of Matthew Morning Breakfast, if only my parents were more like Maya's, I can take care of myself.

Maya put her hands up and reached forward to grab her cup of water off the table, "Look I'm not saying anything was going on I'm just saying I can see why she was worried. Can we talk about something else? Please?" She sipped her water pretending not to see how Lucas was looking at her, he couldn't be looking at her. No one ever looked at her.

Riley looked over and saw how Lucas looking at Maya, she didn't really piece together how they felt about each other quite yet but she saw him looking.

"You agree with her don't you Lucas." She said, getting a little flustered, just a few hours before he'd agreed to agree with her.

"I, personally, think this is all getting a little out of hand. This is all between Farkle and Smackle, this isn't a war it's a break up. Stuff like that happens in high school."

Katy walked over and refilled the cup of coffee on the table and Maya shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Lucas put his hand on her leg for a moment to let her know that she wasn't alone, before he shifted so Riley didn't notice. When she walked away Riley sighed.

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