Forever in Grayscale

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Graysons P.O.V.

I was imaging a lighter place than this one. Because running through the forest as a wolf didn’t seem to change the fact that I was scared out of my wits. This forest wasn’t just any forest it was owned by the enemy and by associating with them; it was like signing my death warrant.  Of course, I didn’t know that at the time. I just knew what I was doing felt right. I couldn’t explain it, even though we had just met I felt connected as if fire would shoot through me connecting to him, but none of that mattered I couldn’t let my feelings get in the way of how I was raised. How I vowed to never associate with the enemy, but then again that didn’t stop my mother. I was born as a half breed and then once I was changed, I was a full breed.

I couldn’t stop myself from freezing just an inch from him, the moon lighting the little opening that we were in. I looked into his bright green eyes. He was a brown wolf, with a bunch of lighter streaked fur. He was at least twice as big as I was. His head bowed as if asking permission, he leaned in and sniffed my head, as he did that he licked my neck. It was almost a reaction for if you liked someone. It tickled so I jumped backwards. I sat down and just looked into his eyes. They were green with speckles of gold; they made my heart skip a beat.

I wanted to shift so badly but I defiantly didn’t want this handsome stranger getting the wrong idea. So I decided to make him work for it, why not?

I started to walk backwards, making extra emphasis on my hips making sure he saw the divots almost inviting him in, to see if he'll make the next move. He slowly stepped backwards, I wondered why. I glanced around and noticed that my pack was staring at me. Almost shocked, I felt almost sorry for the guy, my pack was the worst out there and if he thought he could take us then he was sadly mistaken. He started to growl, I hummed waiting for something to happen, and the intense of his stare had me in a trance, until one of my pack members stepped in front of me and broke the trance.

Our alpha stepped forward and it turned out to be my uncle, I didn’t like my uncle that much but if this guy was going to fight him then one would lose and I really didn’t want to be here once that happened. In our pack we fight until death, no exceptions. My brother began to pull me back by my tail, trying to get me out of there. I couldn’t just let this guy die!

I yanked my tail back and jumped over my uncle landing right in front of this stranger, the stranger looked at me. There was something in his eyes that wasn’t there before. The stranger took his paw and hit my face, I yelped.

I suddenly knew my place, why did he do that? - did he know I was trying to help him? My uncle began to swish his tale back and forth, as our family usually did before a fight. I was almost shaking, not from the cold but from the nerves. Everyone made a huge circle. There was about fifteen of us, we had gaps between each person, in this battle between alphas there is no interference except death. And the one who interferes must die also. That’s how my mother died.

The fight began and I closed my eyes, it was almost for respect, I heard howling and panting. I didn’t want it to end this way between the stranger and I, but it was how I was raised there was nothing I could do about it now. I let the curiosity get the best of me and I peeked one eye open, thankfully I did because they were rolling towards me, I tried to step back but I wasn’t fast enough, they trampled me, I felt my head crack on a tree and then I felt myself shift and everything went black.

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