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Thought are in italic

(y/n) POV

My eyes were opening slowly and i had a blurry viosion but i felt something warm around me as i looked up i saw Mr.Levi driving on a horse.

His pretty tall.. or am i that small?

I was still pretty tired but i wanted to see where we are going and i didnt want to 'disturb' our ride but i yawn and he notice that i woke up but im still wondering where we are going.

Levi POV

(y/n) was sleeping from when her mother died. I have to admited she looks adorable when she sleeps in my arms .I was ridding my horse for 3 hours and (y/n) was still sleeping it get me a bit worried, she nearly died and now she sleeps peacefully like nothing happened but i couldent just wake her up right? Later on we were not far from Survey Corps Building (idk how to cal lit so its goin to be just a building ;) ) I saw brat's eyes open slowly , she was propebly confused.She look up but didnt say anything which surprised me a bit i thought she will ask milion of nonsense question but she didnt she just looked and then she yawn so this time i looked at her.

''So u finaly woke up?'' i asked her

She just nod she looked a bit scared i could see that in her (e/c) orbs.

''tch, dont be scared of me brat''

''s-sorry sir'' She looked down and hugged to my chest.

''Levi, just call me Levi'' She didnt answet but she nod in agreement.

''Levi?'' She ask me in cute voice

''What is it?'' She look up with tearu eyes..

''Where is... Mama'' A tear rolled down her cheek so i wiped it up with my thumb .

''She is in save place'' i couldent tell her that her mother died and she is alone now. Wells she still have... me?

=\~ Le time skip cus i can ;P ~/=

Hanji POV

We were waiting to Mr. Shorty group to come back. The time was ticking no sign of them but finaly i saw a tiny figure on a biiig horse haha yes it is Levi i knew it , but wait... What?! He is riddin with someone even smaller than him , is that a child? That would be a massive surprise o,O.

When Mr. Shortman finaly arrived i saw a little girl with (h/c) and with (f/c) dress on with a plush toy in her hands i culdent help but to make an aww voice which pissed off Leve

''Shorty and what is that adorable little creature there '' I ask him w sweet voive to make him even madder.

''Firstly, she is a child, Secondly i found her i couldent just left a child out to get eaten by titan.''

The girl looked at me with her big (e/c) orbs and smile.

''Hey kiddo my nam eis Hanji!''

She waved and looked at levi for intruduce her to me awww CUTEE

''Her name is (y/n).'' He rolled his eyes and make his 'tch' sound

''How old are you kiddo huh?''

This time she didnt looked at levi but put her hand up in front of my face and show 4 fingers (btw levi got off his horse and his stamding up with u in his arms <33)

''Your pretty young but how gorgerous!''

''Where are your parents?''

She looked sad and had teary eyes and she was about to cry when levi spoked

''Her mom is in save place and i havent seen her father''

''My daddy left me with mommy''

''Sorry i didnt mean to upset you little (y/n)''

She looked at me and put her hands towards me i think that meant i supposed to hug her?

Without thinking i just took her from Shorty arms and hug her tight.

''What about if i will show you around a bit huh? And who is that buddy your holding there?''

''That Mr. Bon Bon and Yes letd GO! , but only if Levi will come with us'' she looked straight into levis eyes and made puppy eyes AWWW

''tch, Fine brat''

''C'mon then we have quite a lot of to show her !! YAHOO''

I saw a bright smile on (y/n) face which made me even happier i wish she could stay with us...

TADAA there u go another chapter quite long but what ever xdd lolz okiii im writting this at 00:47 jeez wiy am i writting chapter so lateeee okay anyway Hope u liked that one and C YA LATER BAII!

!Daddy! Levi x !child! readerWhere stories live. Discover now