Day With Auntie!

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(y/n) POV

I was jumping up and down. I was sooo excited to see Aintie's lab! I never saw or been in one soi s something new for me... but i was kinda sad that i left daddy or meybe it was for the best i dont want to annoy him . Well at least i will spend some time with Auntie so im actually happy.

Le time skipeee!

We were in front of Auntie Lab. I was a bit nervous, what if im goint to break something? Or ruin her experiment?

''You ready kiddo to see my lab'' she said with a smile on her face

I just nodded with a shy smile , i was holding my teddy a bit tighter.

Auntie Hanji swung open the door like any other door anyway.

The lab was huuuuge! It had multi colour liquids in little tubes which i propebly shouldent drink or touch beacuse of hazards they could do to me meybe i was 4 year old kid but i knew my stuff.

''So how do you like it? Its my home , im spending my whole time in here''

''How can you not get bored?'' i made a questione face

''Well... i got my intrest in . um a lot of things , hehe'' she laughed akwardly which made me suspicious but i shook it off.

Time passed and we were having quite a lot of fun , making experiments , little explosion etc!

Time was going faster and faster and well it was pretty hella late.

''Oh my, i think Levi gonna be mad at me for keeping you up for so long'' She chuckled and i giggled

Hanji POV

Well im screwed levi going to kill me keeping (y/n) for sooo long but we had too much fun to stop!

I picked up little kiddo up and hugged her tighly. When we exited my lab i felt her head moving down. As i looked down i saw her asleep . Why does she have look so cute i had control my self not to squeee from cutness. I wish i could spend more time with her , hmm meybe i'll get her tomorrow if Shorty will allown me which i highly doubt but i might have a little plan....

(y/n) was moving around a bit i thought i waked her up , that would be BAAD she wouldent propebly go back to sleep and Levi would have a little problem.

We finaly reached Levi door. I knocked on it 3 times.Nothing? Could it be his asleep. Dont think so he dosent sleep usualy...Strange. So without futher do i opened door quietly and sneak in Shorty rooms. ''Awwie '' I couldent help but he was sleep in the chair... I dont really want to disrturb his slumber.

I went to (y/n) room and tucked her to sleep and walked out like a ninja.

Levi POV

I woked up in my chair , ir was still pretty dark so i asume is about 2 am? Something around that. I was a bit woried about (y/n) did she came back or stayed at Shit glass lab? So i just stretch my slef and go check her room. There was my little angel sleeping peacefully. I was glad she is here , i couldent Focus on anything , at least i hope she had a good day with her 'Auntie'. When i was about to walk out i heard her soft voice calling my name


Her soft sweet voice could melt anyones heart , well it melted mine...

''Sleep sweetie'' I walked to her and give her a kiss on a forhead i saw a little curve on her lips which made me smile a bit too.

'' Night daddy... '' She said with her sleepy voice

''Goodnight Princess''

OMGGG i hope the chapter is at least a bit fluffy but the next chapter is going to be different , waaaaay different but u going to have find out in chapter im gonna uodate tomoz!! So stay tuned My FRIENDOOOS

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Btw i always feel like to end the chapter when Reader-chan falls asleep idk wiy xdd

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