Chappie numero dous... Dats how u spell it right?

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Emily's POV

"C'mon Vaminos! Everybody let's g-,"

"NO!" Shouts Anya in my ear.

We are almost to the orphanage. I can see it! I imagine the Poptart I'll get when we're there, so yummy and-


Anya grabs my arm and pulls me back right as a car passes by, honking at us as it goes.

"How many times-,"

She kept talking but I just sorta zoned out, only nodding when the time felt right and saying stuff like,"I'm sorry" or "Ok Anya..." It's sooo boring when she gives me lectures...

Well anyways! I sprint the rest of the way to the Orphanage with an angry Anya on my tail, she hates when I skip her lectures, and bounce up the stairs to the room we share. I quickly grab a packet of Poptarts out from under my matress and hide it under my pillow. HA! Anya thinks I've only eaten the ones that she gives me!

Then after I lay down on my bed, Ipod in hand, Anya bursts into the room. She walks over to me, takes my Ipod, and puts her hands on her hips.

"You KNOW I don't like it when you skip out on my lectures! We don't have our parents-,"

There's that word again. "Parents." I don't know how much Anya remembers, but, believe it or not, I really have an excellent memory. I remember when we were three. It was a snowy night and our parents were taking us to a resteraunt to celebrate Dad's birthday. We were taking the back-road there and there was a deer, and... well I don't remember much after that... We found our way home and I found a box with our Birth Certificates in it.

I've kept that box ever since.

Should Anya have a right to know?

Of course she should! She's my twin!

To be honest, I haven't even looked in the box yet. I'm afraid to know more about ourselves. But then again...

"Anya," I take a deep breath,"I have something to tell you..."


You didn't think that Emily was all just rainbows and lollipops... did you? *silence* -_- lovely... I don't think you know my writting style very well... I LOVE plot twists!!!! Seriously! just go read some of my other stories! No? ok then... well bye!!!

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