You Know What, Who Even Cares??

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Anya's POV

"EMILY!!!" I whisper-yell (yes, it's possible!), "How many times do I have to tell you to watch where you're going?!" I slapped her upside the back of her head. "Ow...!" she complains, still rubbing the sore area. "Anyaaaaaaa...!!!" "I don't want to hear it, Emily!"

I turn to face the girl who Emily bumped into. "I'm soooo sorry, Ms. Rumor! Please forgive my twin. She was dropped on her head quite a few times as a baby." Emily pouted at me.

"It's no big deal," Rumor said, waving one hand slightly to seemingly brush the past situation away, "I know how it feels to want something so bad that it's hard to watch where you're going. Although, I do feel that we should all take it slow and enjoy things more often instead of being impatient."

In that moment, birds sang and a beam of light hit Rumor's head as angels played sweet music behind her. I fell to my knees. "You... You're an angel...!!!"

Rumor looked a little embarrassed and looked around nervously. Emily lightly(?) kicked me. "ANYA WE NEED TO FIND MY POPTART HAT LET'S GOOOOO!!!!" she exclaimed. A few people cast us well-deserved glares and 'shhhh!'es, but the regulars there didn't even notice our disruptions by now.

Emily grabbed my hand and began furiously tugging me away. "Bye Rumor! Smell ya later!" Emily called. "Goodbye, my light in the dark, my sun in the fog, my angel in the fiery, burning pits of h-" "POPTART HAT, POPTART HAT, POPTART HAT, WHERE YOU AT?!?!" Emily sang as we went away.

Rumor appeared to be officially creeped out.


"I FOUND IT!" Emily declared, holding her hat up in the Legend of Zelda, 'You've Received ___!!!' pose. "Emily, quiet." I scolded. Emily rolled her eyes. "Anya!" she said, quieter, "Can I...?" she started, nudging towards her book section. I huffed. "Fine, go ahead. But please be quick." Emily fist-pumped and ran over to the fantasy section.

Distraction cleared. Ready for take-off in three, two, one... 

I ran to the computers and put on the headphones the library put up to borrow. Quickly, I typed in the name of an anime I was watching. I then proceeded to fangirl when my favorite character came on. "Kyaaaa!!!! You're soooo kawaii!!!" I said, petting the screen. Hey, don't judge.

Truth be told, without my twin, I'd be out of control. I would be screaming, running, yelling... But I guess having Emily around kicks in my maternal instincts or something. Kinda the way you feel when your favorite character in an anime gets hurt or becomes sad, and you're like 'NOOO MY BABYYY!!!!!' and you cry and glomp the screen. Again, don't judge.

The windows to the library showed that it was getting dark outside. I groaned audibly and listened to the last of my anime's ending song. I turned off the screen and went to find Emily before the library closed.

I found her laying upside down on a chair, her nose stuffed inside of her book. "Emily, let's go." I shook her foot. "Aww... One more chapter?" she begged, puppy-dog eyes on full mode.

"Just check it out!"

"Oh yeah... Can I borrow your card? I forgot mine..."

I sighed. "Sure. Just let me find a manga, then."

Emily nodded at a thousand miles per second and began to gather the books she wanted to check out. I walked over to the manga section, trying to find a manga I hadn't already read. They need to stock it more!!! It's so freaking hard to be an otaku here!!! I thought bitterly.


Emily and I put our items on the counter as the librarian checked them out for us. "Card please?" she asked, tucking her long red hair behind her ear. Emily beamed, then presented my card. The librarian chuckled. "Using Anya's card again, huh?" she said. I nodded. "I don't think she even has her own anymore." Emily stuck her tongue out at me.

"Here you two go. Be safe walking home now, girls, it's getting late."

"Yes ma'am!" We answered simultaneously.

While walking out of the library, we spotted someone standing outside. "Rumor?"


Kit here!!! I wrote this chapter instead of Jo. We've decided that if the person whose turn it is to write a chapter doesn't write for two weeks, then the next person in line takes over.

Aaaaaah, it feels so good to be updating this after TWO MONTHS!!!!! It feels like a lot longer!!


Until next time! Ciao~!

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