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Anya's POV

I groaned. Let's just say that Emily isn't really a quiet sleeper. Of course, I'm sure I'm no joy either, but at least I didn't make the room sound like an earthquake was happening!

I checked to make sure that the other children were sleeping, then crept slowly down the stairs. The old wooden floorboards would creak if you weren't careful. Even if I pretty much know that no one would notice one of us up and about or gone, it's better safe than sorry. Besides, sneaking around in the dead of night has always been a special, fun time for me. Thank goodness Emily hasn't caught me yet.

Once outside, I walk slowly into the forest. If you go a little ways in, you come to a tiny clearing. I love to lay down there and look at the stars. Even though I want to say how I long for world peace, or think about my aspirations to become an astronaut, that's not what I'm there for. Why am I there, you ask?


No one else I know speaks about manga! In this tiny moment, I can squeal and fangirl all I want without a care! It's truly remarkable.

While thinking about my most recent anime, something keeps crawling back into my mind. Rumor, as creepy as that sounds. It was odd how she behaved with Emily's locket. It was almost like-



Quickly, I jumped up and started running. Whoever was out there started chasing me.

"EMILY! EVERYONE! RUN!" I yelled, my voice going louder than any scolding I've ever done and my throat becoming sore.

The footsteps behind me were loud and I knew I was close to whomever it was. It suddenly occurred to me; Why was I running? Chances were that this was a worker in the orphanage who was keeping tabs on the outside. But, even though I knew this was the best explanation, I kept running. And screaming. Until I finally looked over my shoulder.


I can't believe it, but I tripped. Like in all of the horror movies where the blonde chick is running. Stupid roots, being in front of me when my eyes were focused in the opposite direction.

I fell onto the ground, feeling the mud coat my hands and arms. The footsteps were right there. I wanted to cry.

"ANYA!" I heard. Emily's voice and a few others were coming near. Beams from flashlights were shining in the night air. Whatever was there was gone now. I was only mildly aware of how much I was shaking.

Emily looked around for a moment before handing me a poptart. A few adults were on the phone while the smaller children crowded around me.

"Are you okay?"

"What was wrong?"

"Did a super villain come into the woods?"

"Was there a bear?"

The kids bombarded me with questions. Now over my initial shock, I smiled fondly at them. I didn't say anything, just patted a few heads and ruffled their hair.

The adults quickly started herding in the small children. Emily stayed and helped me to my feet from my original position on the ground.

"Anya Anya Anyaaa!!!! What happened?!? I was dreaming of a poptart that made rainbows of different poptarts when I heard you yelling! I had to eat another poptart on the way here to wake up!"

I frowned. I was about to start explaining to her that, for one, you don't eat poptarts at night, and two, when you hear someone screaming at the top of their lungs, that should be enough to wake you up. Unfortunately, my voice still wasn't cooperating, so the only thing that came out was a croaking sound.

Emily smirked, sensing my distress, then shoved another poptart in her face.

'Just because I can't talk doesn't mean I can't still teach you a lesson!' I thought in my head, then proceeded to tackle my sibling to the ground. We rolled around on the damp ground for a little while, until a truce was made.

To be honest, Emily had been winning.

It didn't occur to either of us until we were completely exhausted that hey, there's still a dangerous person out here! And then, I grabbed Emily's hand and began to drag her back home. Emily seemed to realize what I had, and began to run with me. We were fun, not stupid. No way were we gonna die out here!

I knew Emily had been worried. Really, she didn't need to put up a front just for me. I smiled, a little sad. She truly is much stronger than she gets credit for, isn't she?

We crawled upstairs and into our bedroom. This time, I stayed in bed.


Kit here! I updated the story for y'all. Yes, I just said y'all. Deal with it. Aaaaaanyways, PLOT TWIST! Or is it? Who knows?? But! I hope you guys enjoyed!


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