Four (Avi)

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"DRUGGED?!" I screamed. I know like hell this nigga didn't drug me! This nigga has lost his mind! Instantly I saw red and started swinging like a mad woman.

"AVI! It wasn't me" He started. Once my fist connected with his jaw a fifth time he grabbed my arms, pinning me down.

"Dre, get off me and stop lying! Why am I here then?" I interrupted.

"You're here because that bitch nigga Adonis drugged you and was gonna –Avi be still and listen!" He roared as I tried to wiggle out of his grasp. "He was going to rape you; luckily I got there in time." As soon as I heard rape I knew he was being serious with me. I also started remembering parts of last night, beginning with that cup Adonis gave me. Beginning to tear up, my thoughts drifted to Cakes.

"Wait, where is Cakes? Did he get her?!" I panicked.

"No baby, that nigga can't get anything or anybody anymore. He is currently vacationing in hell. Cakes is in the guest room down the hall." Dre told me. Shooting up from the bed and out the door I slammed face-first into her.

"Damn bitch, where's the fire? I think you took some of my face off, shit!" She shrieked rubbing her nose.

"I'm sorry boo. I was coming to check on you. Dre explained what happened to me." I said.

"I'm so sorry Av! I should have never left you alone at that party. It's all my fault!" Cakes said as she began to cry. Seeing her cry made me cry, because Cakes is the type who doesn't cry unless something drastic has happened. I've seen her cry all of 3 times, so seeing her cry over me really touched me.

"Noooo, it's not your fault! You can't help how sick in the head some people are. I don't want to hear you blaming yourself for this anymore. You my best friend, scratch that, you're my sister and I could never blame you for what happened. I'm just glad I'm okay and you stuck by my side." I blubbered.

"Uhm, I hate to break up this little heart to heart, but you gotta take these pills Bae. You don't have a headache do you? You feeling okay?" Dre rushed out. I must admit even though I'm still mad with him, he did a great job of taking care of me.

After answering his questions, and following his directions on how to take the charcoal pills I started gathering my belongings.

"Avina what the fuck you doing?" Dre semi-yelled.

"What it look like? I'm finna go home!" I retorted. Being here was making me want Dre back more and more each second. I couldn't take being in this house with him any longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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