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|Dante Santana| ☣️

These past two months have been quiet, but a little too quite for my liking. Ari and Bryson just had their baby girl Malani and I can't lie I was feeling some type of way. A nigga 24 years old and I kinda feel like starting a little family of my own, but with this lifestyle I'm not so sure that's possible. I don't want to run the risk of hurting my family, that's one thing I won't tolerate. As I was sitting there contemplating my own thoughts I opened one of my drawers and found those letters I found in Kehlani's parents house. I've been putting off reading them for so long that I completely forgot I had them. I guess today was finally going to be that day.

Just as I was about to start reading the first letter Jaleel barged into my office with a frustrated expression on his face.

"What's going on bro? Why you looking like that?" I asked putting the letter down back on my desk.

"We got a rat, Lucas is already at the warehouse checking shit out but we gotta get over there like right now." Jaleel muttered with a clenched jaw.

"A'ight lets go handle business." I spoke rising from my desk and heading out with Jaleel behind me.

|Kehlani King| 🥀

It's been a few days since I've seen Dante and Isaiah hasn't stopped asking about him for the past couple days so I decided we should go pay him a little visit. After getting dressed and grabbing my keys I called Isaiah to come down from the bottom of the stairs.

"C'mon baby boy I'm waiting."

A few seconds later Isaiah came down the stairs brushing down his waves, this boy was so cute I swear.

When we showed up to Dante's house Lucas was in the garage grabbing some bags and putting them in the back of his car. After seeing the pissed off expression he had on his face I didn't even bother asking what was wrong I just went straight inside. Isaiah ran into the game room while I went looking for Dante.

He wasn't in his room or out back so I figured he'd be in his office.

"Hey I haven't seen you in a few days so I fig-"

I stopped talking when I realized the room was empty and I was talking to myself. I guess I came at the wrong time because not even Jaleel was here. I decided I'd just wait for him to come back so I sat at his chair and pulled out my phone. After scrolling through instagram a few times I got bored and got up to get myself something to eat. When I sat my phone down on his desk I noticed a pile of letters with my name on them.

I scrunched up my face as I looked at the amount of letters on his desk, "Why does Dante have all these damn letters with my name on them?"

He couldn't just keep things like this away from me, so I decided to read them.

Dear my beautiful Kehlani,

It's your uncle Rello. If your reading this its most likely because I'm no longer with you. I wrote these letters because I need you to know that I love you and I'm truly sorry for all the wrong that has been done to you. First thing I'd want to tell you is simply that Tyerese isn't your blood related father. Your real dad is named Jayceon King, your mother left him for Tyrese when you were only a few weeks old and made him believe you were his daughter. Your mother never did right by you so I figured I should be the one to do so. She hid your real birth certificate and hired somebody to make a fake one and thats how she allowed to register you in school and fool Tyerese. If by the time you are reading this and you still don't know who he is, please go find him. He his an honest man and he's been looking for you for years, he's never given up or lost hope, you should go find him. He's in the business yes, but trust me when I tell you that he will not hurt you and will accept you with open arms, I can guarantee you that. I know you always told me I was different from your mother and Tyerse but in all honesty I'm just like them, I should've told you the truth sooner and for that I will forever be sorry.

Sincerely, Uncle Rello.

I put the letter down and wiped a few tears that had began to form in my eyes. I could've known about my real dad a long time ago if he wouldn't kept these letters away from me. Sure, yeah he told me about it but who really knows how long he's had these. Without any hesitation I read the last three letters. The second and third letters just talked about the abuse I went through and how my mother was giving me medications to make me forgot things from my memory but the fourth and final letter is what really made me lose it.

Dear Kehlani,

I hope you're not too taken back from these letters but they're things you must know. These were rights that were rapped from you by the person who was suppose to protect you the most, your mother. I know you don't hate her and I know you never will because despite all she's done she is your mother. This last and final thing hopefully will bring you nothing but joy. This is one of my darkest secrets coming to light. I just want to apologize in advance for this, I am truly sorry I kept this from you and lied right to your face but its what your mother wanted. I am sorry for being a fool falling for all her tricks and lies. All those times she told me she was finally going to run away with me and we can take you guys out of that roller coaster she had you all living, were nothing but lies. I was so blinded by the love I had for her I hurt you just as they both did. Lani this is something that I'll eventually end up paying for with my own death. But its time for you to finally know the truth. Isaiah is not your mothers son, nor is he Tyerese's son. Isaiah Javir Carter, or should I really say.. Isaiah Javir Santana. Is your son. Dante Santana's son. I know you must hate me for keeping this from you and lying to you and I have no excuse I just hope that one day you can forgive me.

Sincerely, Unc Rello.

I am lost for words at this very moment. I feel as if I just got the wind blown out of me. All these years they made me believe I lost my son. All these years they told me he was dead. But all along he was right there next to me, he's been with me the whole time. I don't know if I should scream, cry, be happy, be sad, at this point I have no idea how to feel. Yet there I was sitting in a corner of Dante's office with my knees against my chest rocking myself back and fourth like baby crying my eyes out.

So many question lingered in my mind.

Did Dante know?

How long has Dante known?

How long has he had these letters?

Why didn't he tell me?

Has he read them?

What do I do now?

How do I tell Isaiah?

Should I even tell Isaiah?

I hate that this is what my life turned out to be. I lost 11 years of my sons life due to the lies I was told and the abuse I was put through. I could only imagine how differently my life would have been if my mother would've just stayed with Jayceon, my real dad. How would've things turned out then? Maybe I wouldn't be stuck in the position I'm stuck in now.

A mother shouldn't have her son literally ripped out of her hands. This was all some sick and twisted way of my mother always getting her way. Everything she did, she did it for her own selfish needs. She took my son away and made me believe he was my brother. I never got that chance to raise him as my own, neither did Dante. Dante never got the to be a father to him.

But this isn't something that just hurts me, or Dante but also our son. I couldn't begin to imagine how this would make him feel. He's going to be so hurt and confused, or he could end up being happy. At this point I have no clue. And it scares me.


The truth is finally out!! 😬

How do you guys feel about it?

What do you think Dante is gonna do?

Isaiah is Kehlani and Dante's son 😯

Another finished chapter. Guys I'm so happy I'm finally getting back to myself and my thought process on this book is getting so much better. Since there is no school Monday I plan on updating as much as I possibly can this weekend.

Give me feedback and let me know how you guys are liking the book so far. Don't be dry guys y'all making me sleep.

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