D.T.T.K |21|

968 30 3

|Dante Santana| ❄️

"I'm not gonna ask again, Who's the fucking rat that think he slick enough to steal from me?"

I was currently in the middle of the warehouse as all of my crew members stood in front of me. I don't care if they were just rookies who were working the street corners or if it was my clean up crew that I called every time there was a body, hell I even had my receptionists down here. I wasn't leaving anyone out, whoever was stealing my money and my drugs was going to pay for it, big time.

Some had faces of nothing but fear and some were angry just as well as I was because they knew that if somebody was playing with my money, they were playing with theirs also. No one was talking or saying anything and I could feel my blood begin to boil more and more by the second.

"Nobody wants to speak the fuck up? A'ight that's cool." Making the sarcasm relevant as I started to walk down the aisle of people and looked down on everyone.

I walked passed one of my transporters I liked to call them who had a grin plastered on his face. His job was simple he just drove my drugs into different areas of the city, transported the drugs onto boats that would take them down to my buyers in the islands, things of that nature. If you asked me he seemed pretty amused of the fact that there was a rat. I quickly grabbed him buy his hoody and he slung to the ground falling hard.

Due to my actions his facial expression changed almost instantly. I could see the fear in his eyes and I began to notice the beads of sweat that were now showing on the side of his face. I don't know if he was the rat but he seemed like the perfect example.

I pulled out my gun and shot one bullet right at his left knee cap. He screeched out in pain and I immediately could hear the gasps coming from everyone else in the room.

"Since nobody wants to talk I guess I'm gonna just have to start busting out knee caps in this bitch." My voice echoed throughout the warehouse and I could hear the faint whispers coming from all sides of the amphitheater like structure.

The transporter was still screaming out in pain as he began to stutter out a few words.

"F-f-fuck Dante I didn't do it man I swear I wouldn't steal from you bro!" He tried to reason with me but I just grew more irritated at the fact that he called me his "bro"..

I moved my gun a few more inches to the right and shot him in his other knee. At this point he would never be able to walk the same again but that didn't bother me at all.

"Don't call me bro. I'm not ya fucking brother. Try me on some fuck shit like that again and my next bullet going to blow off that damn unibrow you got between them little eyes of yours." I spoke sternly which created everyone to erupt into whispers once again.

Lucas jogged up to and pulled me to the side. "I found the rat, when I got here I decided to check all the camera footage from the last two weeks and it turns out there's been a blacked out charger that comes here every other night around three in the morning, parks inside and gets boxes loaded into the drunk and thirty minutes later it's out."

"A'ight Lu so who is it?" I asked growing impatient.

"I zoomed in on the window of the car and it had an e-pass on it I was able to run up the numbers and it's some nigga named Keith Jason Roberts, goes by Kj. I looked him up and we don't have no Kj that works for us but we do have a Jermey Roberts. And he standing over there in the back looking hella suspicious to me."

Me and Lucas both turned around and faced the Jermey kid. I took a good look at him and recognized that I recently had him promoted from a corner kid to a runner, which simply meant I had him running drugs for me and making small drops. The kid was good it's a damn shame it had to be this way. Chris, Jaleel and Bryson soon joined me and Lucas as we all watched over him. Once he realized we were looking at him his eyes looked like they were going to shoot out of his head. Poor kid don't even know what he got himself into.

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