D.T.T.K |5|

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|Kehlani Carter| Lani 👑

It's been almost 3 months that I've been talking to Dante and I'm not going to lie it's been fun. We aren't  anything official since we don't want to rush into anything, so we're taking our time.

Him and Isaiah have grown to have a tight bond and now they're almost inseparable. Dante wasn't the replacement of Chris, don't take it the wrong way. Dante was just an addition to that.

Although these past couple months I have still been thinking about going over to talk to them. I just haven't found the exact words to say to them yet. I don't want to just show up and make it weird. I want to be able to explain myself, hear them out, just be able to fix our situation because like I said, they're family.

I was currently at Metro Park with Isaiah and Dante watching them play flag football while I sat on the bench watching them. I made sure to take cute pictures so I can put them on my Instagram later. It was times like this that made me smile a genuine smile. I just want to see my family happy, that's all that mattered to me.

"Lani did you see that? Dante is like a pro. He ran so fast, and then TOUCHDOWN!!" Isaiah semi yelled in excitement.

"Yea I did, and I saw when you juked him, went from behind and took his flag. Just like a pro." I said trying to sound like him and laughing.

We all shared a laugh and Dante sat next to me on the bench and put his arm around me.

"Baby girl I'm gonna take Isaiah to get some ice cream from the truck. You want something?" He asked resting his head on my shoulder.

"Nah I'm okay." I said smiling at him as he got up.

Dante and Isaiah began to walk off and Dante turned around and looked at me.

"Your not coming?" He asked.

"No I'm just gonna stay here, enjoy the nature." I said being a bit dramatic gaining a laugh from him and Isaiah.

"I don't think that's a good idea babe you should come." He said a bit worried.

"I'll be right here when you come back. I promise." I smiled at them.

Dante didn't look fully convinced but he went anyways. I was just sitting there taking everything in. I had everything I needed at the moment. I had a good guy in my life that's been teaching me a lot, I have my brother who's safe and healthy, then I have my girls, who are happy and healthy as well. I was finally in a good point in my life.

I saw a funny looking glare so I looked to the side. As I turned my head I felt a sharp pain in my neck, as if I was stabbed by a needle. After that everything went black.

Dante pov

When I got back to our spot I noticed Kehlani was gone. I felt my heart sink into my stomach.

I panicked looking around for her but making sure I didn't lose track of Isaiah because I couldn't lose him either. Once I came back to the bench Isaiah was asking questions I couldn't answer. I put my head in my hands and when I looked down I say Kehlani's name plate on the floor. I picked it up and felt nothing but rage. I pulled out my phone calling a friend of mine.

"Yo it's Dante, put Tac on the phone." I said speaking into the phone.

"Ay nigga long time. Where you been?" Tac said answering the phone.

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