100 Facts Tag

14 1 6

Well $!#%. This is going to take a while. Uuuugh. My Friend Titanium_Duck Tagged me to do this challenge and its the first tage I've ever done so....why not.
Get ready to waste the next hour of your life reading this.

1) I Love video games

2) I came up with my name by combining somthing cool and random.

3) I've never seen any Starwars movie yet I love Chewbacca.

4) I have a collection of crosses cause I think they are cool

5) I completely believe that there will one day be an Apocalypse.

6) I am 15

7) I say Mew alot for no reason whatsoever.

8) I know how to shoot a gun and have shot guns before.

9) My favorite sport is Archery.

10) I love engineering.

11) I have a Dog named Sushi.

12) My Foot was almost run over by a car before.

13) I dont know how to swim.

14) Im still learning how to ride a bike.

15) Im a Taurus

16) My favorite animal is a Duck

17) My Favorite color is Green.

18) I have a brother who is 24

19) Im Mexican

20) Im a bit color blind.

21) I wear glasses

22) I've shot myself with an Arrow before.

23) I have Nyctophobia. Its a fear of sudden darkness. Its triggered by the brains disfigured perception of what would or could happen in a dark environment. Long story short, basically if im in a windowless room and the lights go out I freeze, hyperventilate, and could have a panic attack.

24) My favorite Season is Autumn

25) I volunteer every month at a Homeless shelter.

26) My favorite book is Prisoner B-3087

27) I've gotten a concussion before.

28) I have 3 friends with the same first name.

29) I've gone to summer school before.

30) I know how to throw a knife.

31) Im Lactose Intolerant

32) I can speak Geilic.

33) My favorite movie is Remember Sunday

34) I've seen someone get hit by a car IRL

35) I've bin hiking on the Appalachian Trail.

36) I've never bin to disney world.

37) I like to play the piano

38) I hate scary movies

39) I love Anime. My top 3 Favorite ones are Nagi No Asucara, RWBY, and Maid Sama (I have no shame on that last one. I know its a crap anime but i like it. Dont judge)

40) I like Sushi (The food)

41) I suck at spelling

42) Im not a very smart person. I have one friend where I constantly ask him about what he is talking about cause I never understand what is half of the stuff he says.

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