Chapter 13-Comming home

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Will's P.O.V.

Gia and I are getting a little sad because it has been a year and six months since we've seen our friends in Houston. We've planed that we would pack all of our stuff and jump a plane. We would surprise everybody! We don't know their expression but we felt home sick so we were comming home.
On the plane the three year old babies made a lot of noise. So Gia and I did Rock Paper Scissors for who would get the bottles. I lost so I had to stay when Gia went to get the bottles.
Thankfully, with their bottles, the babies were quiet


We arrived in Houston and Gia called an Uber. In the car I looked and bought a house for us with all of the money we got from selling the house in New York. I found one that suits us in the neighborhood of our parents. We settled in and called it a day.
In the morning I was the only one up for about two hours. On my Computer I sent out invites to a party at BHE to all of our friends and family in Houston.
I told Gia. She thought it was an amazing plan!


We waited for everybody to show up to stand up on the stage and tell everybody at this party that we've came back to Houston for good.After that speech, it was quiet for about ten seconds then everybody was so happy that we were back!
After getting crushed bye about one hundred people and partying, we went home. On the way home, I saw Gia's parents, Sarah and Kayla. As I was watching Gia reunite with her family and friends, I heard footsteps behind me. I calmly turned around and to my surprise there stood my mom and dad and Luke. I ran over and told them everything.
When we were done talking, we all went home to check on the kids.


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