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"How much longer are ye staying 'ere?"

"I don't know," Kayla scoffed. "You're the one who checked me into this place."

"Now, Kayla," John began. "This is for yer own good. I want you to get be--"

"You shouldn't have left me here." Kayla snapped. "I was happy."

John bit his lip.

"You'll be 'appier now than ever," he said, "because I believe in ye."

"Time's up." The nurse said, grabbing Kayla by the shoulder.

"I hope you're happy, John."

I love you. He thought.

But what he couldn't let happen was Kayla to overdose.

She already tried to commit suicide, and he wasn't about to let her go down without a fight.

Help Yourself 〰 J. Lennon  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now