Missing Prince

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It was a quiet day in Mirkwood, the trees were whistling quietly to each other the birds were at the border singing to each other, the elves were either on patrol or helping in the city all but one however the crown prince of Mirkwood was nowhere where to be found and his best friend was getting restless. Searching the palace one more time Aragorn was getting annoyed he had been looking for his friend for a good 2 hours already and when you've not heard from Legolas Greenleaf in 2 hours you know he's either in trouble or going to be. Sighing Aragorn made his way to the gates when he was spotted by his best friends father with his long platinum blonde hair falling gracefully upon his shoulders, his ruby red gown flowing behind him a smile on his face wait a smile "I see my son has alluded your attention once again" his voice hid his laughter well and Aragorn couldn't help but laugh too it did seem a running pattern when they were together "yes your majesty I just can't seem to find him I've been looking for two hours already" Aragorn was getting tired and just wanted to sit with his friend "2 hours you say.. Now that is slightly alarming knowing who we are talking about" he paused "have you searched the trees" his answer caught Aragorn off guard.. "The trees?" Aragorn question Thranduil let out a musical laugh one almost similar to that of his best friend "why Aragorn he is a woodelf where else do you assume him to be" with that Thranduil took off leaving Aragorn feeling quite shocked he didn't think of it before..

Running into the woods he looked at all the trees they were all at least 6ft tall if not taller dread filled Aragorn "Legolas are you in here" taking small steps Aragorn approached the forest "the prince is that way but trust me he isn't coming down anytime soon" a much smaller elf than legolas shouted out from one of the trees his long brown hair covered his face his clothes exactly the same as legolas'. Aragorn made his way deeper until he came to a large oak tree this one must be at least 10ft tall he gazed up at it at wonder "Legolas I know you're up there please come down" he shouted from the bottom "Estel" Legolas looked down at his friend who looked exhausted and tired and maybe a little annoyed "you should sleep Mellon nin you do not look so good" this was like a knife to Aragorn "tired do I look well maybe it's because I was trying to find an elf who doesn't want to be found before he falls out of a tree and dies" Aragorns anger subsided "Aragorn wood elves don't fall out of trees" that was the last straw for Aragorn he turned and started to walk away but a loud noise stole his attention.

Legolas had all but tried to stop his friend from walking away but as he jumped he caught his hand on a branch and as he pulled it free fell hard onto the ground below. Aragorn turned only to see the sprawled figure of his best friend laying the ground in a very uncomfortable position his face was scrunched and Aragorn could tell he was in pain not from the fact he just fell 10ft out of a tree but his eyes were tightly closed and his breathing was laboured "Legolas? LEGOLAS" it took a moment before Aragorn realised he was the help his friend so rightly needed right now, bending down he turned his friend onto his back only to see blood covering the right side of his tunic undoing it Aragorn saw a cut on his stomach and a stunning bruise running from his shoulder all the way to his waist "well Mellon nin this is some beauty" Aragorn commented giving the bruise a small poke only for his friend to scream out in agony moving on he checked Legolas for other injuries but could find none other than a large bump on the back of his head. "Come let us get you to bed" Aragorn helped his friend up noticing he wasn't using his right hand at all it is true that the elves have no preference when it comes to a stronger hand however Aragorn had noticed Legolas used his right hand slightly more than he used his left. Not thinking much of it he helped Legolas control his balance before the both of them made their way towards the palace.

Thranduil was waiting by the palace gates "Legolas ion nin the trees tell me you fell are you well" he glanced over his son stopping at the dried blood on his sons tunic "I am well Ada" Legolas replied although it was not with his usual happy tone it was sullen and tired Aragorn smiled up at the King "he shall be fine with some rest your majesty" Thranduil accepted Aragorns reply and left them too it Aragorn took Legolas to his room pulled back the covers and began to remove Legolas' tunic "Legolas is your arm alright?" Aragorn couldn't help it anymore Legolas had been holding onto it as if it was going to fall off "is just a sprain" his reply was weak and so not thought out "Aragorn stepped forwards taking his hand in his a scream of pain would normally have stopped him in his tracks but not today. Slowly pulling Legolas sleeve back he was met by a swollen hand that dos not appear to be broken mearly sprained however his fingers were blue and bruised Aragorn bent each one carefully only to have a sharp gasp and small whimper from his friend "you were right Mellon nin your hand is not broken, however you have broken all but 2 of your fingers" Legolas just nodded sitting on his bed he layed down. Aragorn strapped his friends fingers up before tucking him into bed, checking his head wound Aragorn would wake him in a few hours but for now Legolas was to sleep. "Hannon lee" Legolas' tired voice came as Aragorn himself felt sleep take him over grabbing a chair and setting it beside the bed.

That was how Thranduil found them 2 hours later his son tucked up in bed with Aragorn at his bedside. A smile played out on the Kings face for he knew that his son would always be safe when he had his best friend around, he also knew he was going to have to have a talk with his son about falling out of trees.

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