Mission City

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The Aoutobots and Nikki finally got back on the rode again. Nikki yawned and stretched in Optimus.  They headed to the Hoover dam where the all spark was supposed to be located. They headed into the highway. Nikki just knew people would be confused by all the cars following Optimus in a straight line. She didn't care though. Just as they were coming up, they saw bee speed past them. Optimus slammed his breaks and did a big U-turn following bumblebee. The rest of them did the same.

"Huh would you look at that, Sam rescued himself." Nikki laughed.

"Oh no." Sam said inside of bee. "Block em, block em, block em!!!" Sam yelled in panic.

As if the others had heard him, they all blocked the decepticon police that was after the cube. More decepticons came too.

That's when a giant take by the name of Bonecrusher sped up to get to bee. Optimus saw him and transformed with Nikki inside of him. She landed in his hand exasperated.

"I'm gonna puke." She said holding her stomach.

"Nikki hide behind that car over on the other side of the bridge." Optimus ordered.

She did as told and watched as Optimus jumped at Bonecrusher. She helped as the cons head landed near her hiding place when he hit the ground.

The con got up and punched Optimus in the face. He then kicked him in the stomach. Optimus punched Bonecrusher shattering some of his metal.

Nikki popped her head up and took a peek at the fight. Wrong move. The decepticon spotted her and detached something from his hip. He then threw it at Nikki. She ducked with a shriek and looked up. In front of her was what looked like a grenade. She freaked. She grabbed the grenade as fast as she could and tossed it Blindlessly. Or in other words she had no idea what she threw it at. She heard an explosion and no fighting. She slowly peeked her head over the car. Optimus was looking at the dead con who's head was blown off.

"My gratitude Nikki." He said nodding at her

"What'd I do?" She asked. And then the realization hit. "Well your welcome because I so totally meant to do that." She said flipping her hair and smirking with a hand on her hip.

Nikki jogged all the way to mission city,her ponytail flying and was stunned at the sight she saw.

"BEE!" She screamed and ran to him. "Your legs!"

"Come on bee get up!!" Sam said.

"That's a great idea I'm sure he would Sam only HE DOESNT HAVE LEGS!!!!!!" Nikki snapped.

"Sam and Nikki. You need to get this cube to that building. There will be a helicopter waiting for you. Hand them the cube after you give the signal!" Some man Sam had told Nikki by the name of Lennox yelled over the noise. Nikki nodded but Sam refused.

"I-I can't. I'm not strong enough. Nikki you've always been strong. I'm not possibly good enough to do this." Sam said.

"Sam.....you know what your right. I am the strong one and I can fight for the Autobots. Unlike you who will sit under a concrete slab to try and escape danger. I fight because I love the autobots. And I guess I'll have to do this alone because your not good enough!" Nikki said.

"Hey! I am just as good as you!" Sam yelled.

"Really? Is that so?" She raised an eyebrow.

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