Happy Birthday

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            Nikki was at her house cleaning Sams room because he was out with Mikaela. She had stopped glaring and being rude to Mikaela because she showed promising signs that she was changing from her slutty ways. She was actually showing that she wanted to stay with Sam so, she started to slowly trust Mikaela. Slowly. Not fast. Slow!

Also, today was Nikki's 17th birthday. She was excited because she was sooooo close to becoming an illegal adult. Her dad was heart broken at how old she was getting and he already considered her an adult. Sam and Nikki had already told their parents about the autobots and the war and everything they knew about them. After all they were their parents and they deserved to know where their children would be all the time.

"Nikki, I'm home!" Sam said. "Also, we are needed at base."

Well that was weird. They were never needed, they just went over there to hang. She ran downstairs and nodded.

They got into bee and sped off to base. "Needed?" Nikki asked worried.

"Oh uhh just some things they need human help with." Sam said.

"Sam they have a whole bunch of N.E.S.T people there! Why would they need us?" Nikki asked confused.

Sam choked up. He was a terrible liar. "You'll see when we get there okay!" He snapped nervous.

weird. Really weird.

They came onto the base and the man at the gate asked for ID. Sam showed him and he was let in. They sped inside.

Sam and bumblebee led Nikki through some dark hallways with dimly lit lights. She was crazy worried. We're one of the bots hurt and ratchet needed human hands? If so, why Nikki? GOD she hoped it wasn't Optimus.

Bumblebee pushed open a giant door and shooed Nikki inside. The door closed behind her and she couldn't see a thing. Pitch black. She could sense bumblebee and Sam and she saw Bees optics. She also saw 3 other pairs of blue shining optics. Weird?

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" Everyone yelled as the lights snapped on. Nikki jumped in surprise and let out a breath of relief. No one was hurt.

"Oh my god! Thank you." She said startled. The place was decorated with balloons everywhere. There was a huge banner that said. "Happy birthday Nikki!! Your 17!!" On it.

The autobots had some kind of Cube in their hand that she assumed was energon. Or high grade energon. She smiled as her parents came up and hugged her along with Sam.

"It was Ron and Sams idea and I decorated. Did you see the banner?" Judy asked in excitement.

"It's kinda hard to miss mom. Thank you!" Crazy old mom. Nikki thought.

People were chatting and drinking N and laughing. Nikki was sitting on a crate watching everyone enjoy themselves. That's when she heard big footsteps.

"Are you not enjoying yourself Nikki?" Optimus asked.

She sighed and smiled. "No I'm just amazed. I've never had a party this big before. It makes me feel loved." She said laughing.

"Did you not feel loved before?" Optimus asked.

"No no no. I did I've just never had a party with this many people in my name." She said looking up at him.

"I do believe it is time for the father daughter dance." Ron said taking Nikki's hand. She got up and her and her father started dancing. She smiled as she leant her head on his shoulder. Best day ever. The music ended and Sam walked up to a microphone. Nikki and her father parted and looked at Sam who had signaled everyone to listen.

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