My Life as the Dead- Chapter 10

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10 chapters?! Eeeeeeeek! :D


Bella's POV

'Bella! You are such an idiot! Aaaaargh!' My mind screamed at me.

'If only ghosts could sleep...' The nicer part of my mind wondered.

'You are no help at all.' The rude part of my mind replied.

'NEITHER OF YOU ARE HELPING! So shut up and lemme sleep!' I said in my head. This part of my mind I had control over at least.

'Ghost don't sle--'

'Shush. Now.'

I was having an argument against two separate parts of my mind. Great. Note sarcasm.

As I lay awake in my bed, I heard a knock on my door.

"Bella? May I come in?" Edward's voice said.

"Uh sure." I said, trying not to sound too eager. When actually, I was hoping that we could sort out our feelings towards each other, if we had any. Edward was sitting on my bed next to me in a flash. I decided to go for it and just say what I wanted to say for the few hours.

"Edward, I am extremely sorry for how I acted earlier. I know how selfish that was, and I hope you'll forgive me."

He gave me a funny look.

"Bella, it was Emmett who interrupted us. It wasn't your fault at all."

"No, it was entirely my fault. I shut you down."

"Can we agree to disagree?"

"Yup." I wasn't looking to pick any fights, especially at this hour.

We sat in companionable silence for a few minutes.

"So this is eternity for us?" I said, breaking the silence.


"Is this what it is always going to be like? Are we always going to be imitations of life? Exsisting but not really living?" I asked. Edward took a deep, unnecessary breath.

"Well, I don't really see it as that. I see it as more of a rebirth of sorts." It was my turn to give a funny look. "It is difficult to explain. Because all of my senses are superior to that of a human's, I think of it as something that can only happen once someone has died and been reborn."

I snorted. "We're babies all over again? Get out the diapers..."

Edward laughed. It was a wonderful, musical sound.

We talked until the sky began to lighten.

"This makes number one on my list of favourite nights." Edward said. I could sense a kiss was about to happen and this time if Emmett interrupted, I would kick him to Timbucktoo.

As our lips met, the first rays of morning sunlight shone through the window and hit us making Edward sparkle and myself glow. This moment was the most magical moment of my entire existence so far. We didn't break the kiss for a long time. Soon, too soon for my liking, Edward pulled away.

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that." He couldn't get that goofy grin off his face, and frankly, neither could I.

"See you downstairs." He whispered, and he was gone.

I didn't move for a little while, but eventually I got up and got dressed into the clothes Alice had put out for me.

'Well Bella, you've redeemed yourself it seems.' The voice who was initially mean to me said.

'Yes I have.' I thought back.

And that's how Edward Masen Cullen stole my first kiss.


Bella: *Still beaming* "I finally did it! Yipee!"

Me: "Calm down. All of this hapiness is hurting my brain."

Bella: *Thinks happy thoughts just to make me mad.*

Me: "STOP. I'M HAVING A BRAIN ANEURISM! I'll do something mean to you in the next chapter if you keep that up, I am the author after all."

Bella: "Nooooooo don't do that."

Me: "So everyone, please comment and let me know whether you want something bad to happen to Bella or not. Much appreciated! Oh, hi Emmett. *Waves at Emmett*

Emmett: *Tries to wave back but can't because Alice tied him to the metal stair rail and duct taped his mouth closed so that he would not interrupt Bella and Edwards' special moment.*

Me: *Tapes flyer to Emmett's face that says 'Vote, fan and comment!'*

Until next time, Lozzpozz out!

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