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Works by Zarah5 are always promising, and this one is amazing. If you're into Ao3 larry au's, you'll love this. 


Fall Into Your Gravity - Chapter 1

"It's a plant. What do you think I'm going to do with it?" Louis lifts the plant in question, a fine representative of the Callistemon pallidus family. Or species. Variety, whatever. In its small container, the plant looks wholly harmless. "Do you think I'll shove this at the pilot and hope that he'll mistake it for a fucking gun?"

Over the last twelve months, Louis has come to appreciate the cliché about Australians being a laid-back, friendly sort of people as mostly true. Clearly, this airport employee didn't get the memo. "I'm sorry," he says and doesn't sound sorry at all, "but unless you can prove that this plant isnot on the protected list, I will have to confiscate it."

Shit. Liam will be so disappointed. And then he'll make a sad face at Louis, and Liam making a sad face at Louis is no fun for anyone involved. In addition, it means that Zayn will be displeased because,as far as Zayn is concerned, he's the only one who's allowed to hurt Liam. It's all a bit idiotic and twisted.

"I could tell you what it is?" Louis tries.

"And who says you're not just giving me the name of a different plant which is not restricted?" The employee appears supremely bored by the conversation. To be fair, Louis would be bored, too, if he had to spend his days rooting through people's hand luggage and telling them off for packing Swiss Army knives, too much liquid or, in Louis' case, potentially protected plants.

Then again, rooting through people's private stuff could provide some entertainment.

Anyway. Plant. Plant for Liam. Very important business, plants. "I could show you a picture on my phone so you can compare?"

The employee's face is a mask of indifference.


London. Home. Thank fucking God.

Harry's so tired he can feel it weigh down his bones, as if they have been mantled with lead. It's not... He's grateful for what he's doing, the opportunities, the fans, he just... God, he wishes he could sleep for a couple of days. And then wander around London for another day, just taking it all in, no one sneaking pictures of him, no one expecting him to be anywhere. To smile, to dazzle.

No such luck, though. Tomorrow's schedule lists two interviews and a photo shoot.

"Hey, mate." Niall jostles him. It's gentle, an edge of sympathy to the gesture. "We're about to hit the feeding frenzy. You ready?"

Not really.

In the distance, the chants are already swelling, each step bringing them closer to blinding lights, screams, grabby hands. Their bodyguards are closing in already. Harry squares his shoulders and pastes a wide grin on his face.

"I was born ready," he declares. "Are you?"

For a quick moment, their eyes connect, and at the sight of Niall's smile, Harry feels his expression slip into something more natural, easier.

He pushes a hand through his hair, then slings an arm around Niall's shoulders. Niall tucks himself against his side and together, arm in arm, they round the corner and step into the spotlight.

Fall into your gravity (larry AU by Zarah5)Where stories live. Discover now