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Fall Into Your Gravity - IV.

"Little monsters!" Louis snags both the twins up, throwing Daisy over his shoulder and hoisting Phoebe onto his hip, and he still has one hand free to ruffle Charlotte's hair. "Lottie!"

She darts back with a horrified expression, fingers going to her hair, but a moment later she's laughing while Felicite manages to escape Louis' attempts at a tickle attack by hiding behind his mum.

"Come here, Fizzy," Louis orders.

She sticks out her tongue.

Louis throws up his hand. "I'm gone for one year, and no one listens to me anymore. I'm hurt."

"We made you a welcome-back poster." Daisy is slightly out of breath due to her upside-down position. "So Zayn could take it to the airport for you."

Grinning, Louis lets her slide to the ground and nods gravely. "That you did. And very pink it was, too. Also sparkly."

"Zayn's fit," Charlotte says, apropos of nothing.

Louis raises one eyebrow, then the other. Points an accusing finger at his mum. "You've let them hit puberty! How dare you! Soon, I will have to fend the boys off with a stick."

Giggling, Charlotte jumps onto his back, dislodging Phoebe, and clings to Louis' neck. She reeks of hairspray and some fruity perfume, but underneath, there's still that familiar smell of home.

"Heavy," Louis moans.

She tugs at his earlobes and yells, "Giddyup."

Louis complies.


So Louis had been planning not to think about Harry for the duration of the evening. Not thinking about Harry proves kind of hard when Charlotte is a fan and keeps checking Harry's Twitter for updates about once a minute, at least until their mum threatens to withhold dessert if Charlotte doesn't stop it right now.

"Young miss," Louis adds under his breath, just for Charlotte to hear. She plants an elbow in his side and hides her smile behind a curtain of hair -- which is not usually this curly.

Puberty, oh God. Why can't his sisters just be young and cute and cuddly forever? Louis would like that very much, thank you.

Also, just how embarrassing is it that he fancies the same boy as his significantly younger sister? Very embarrassing, for sure. Then again, the difference between them is that Louis has Harry's number programmed into his mobile while Charlotte is one of... however many followers there are for Harry's public Twitter account.

And Louis is not thinking about just how many followers that might be. Just no.

It's not as if he even has the first clue about Twitter; he created an account at some point while he was in Australia and ended up posting a total of two tweets. His followers consist of Charlotte, Felicite, Liam and three people from his degree to whom he hasn't spoken in months.

Not thinking about numbers, right.


He watches Charlotte pick at the peas which accompany her chicken risotto, fingers twitching for the phone in her pocket. Hmm. Charlotte. Twitter. Harry.

Fall into your gravity (larry AU by Zarah5)Where stories live. Discover now