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Fall Into Your Gravity - III.

Louis wakes to Harry's body pressed all along his own and a boy he's never seen before staring at him from less than a foot away. Mornings never have been Louis' favourite time of the day and his neck hurts like a motherfucking bitch, so that might be why the first thing that comes out of his mouth is, "What the actual fuck?"

"Yeah," the boy says, and the bleached highlights in his blond hair are really kind of ridiculous. "That's what I was about to say." His accent is pronounced, and Louis blames his tired brain for the fact that it takes him several seconds to identify it as Irish.

Sitting up partially, trying not to unsettle Harry, Louis rolls his shoulders back and attempts to make sense of the glare levelled at him from over the backrest of the sofa. Does Harry have---He didn't mention a boyfriend, but it certainly would explain why he seemed to hold himself back throughout their date, strangely cautious even when he leaned his head against Louis' shoulder.

Louis doesn't want this to be the reason. Not this... this tiny Irishman with the ridiculous bleach job, seriously.

Making no attempt to hide the derision in his voice, Louis stares back evenly. "What's your problem, mate? Am I moving in on your boy?"

"I don't know, mate. Are you?" The crossed arms and threatening stance look rather laughable on someone who might be about Louis' height while sporting significantly less muscle-mass. Not that Louis is the Incredible Hulk, mind, but he's always been athletic from playing football, and twelve months in Australia, a good part of them spent surfing and hiking around the country, have only enhanced that.

When Harry stirs, his leg twitching, Louis is still close enough to feel it. After Harry had fallen asleep on his shoulder last night, Louis arranged them on the sofa in a way that had them facing each other, Harry's head tucked against Louis' throat. Not supremely comfortable, all things considered, but at least the sofa is pretty big and it had been... nice.

Nice, yeah.

Louis doesn't want the memory ripped apart by some bad-humoured bloke with jealousy issues. Even if there might be cause for jealousy. Or at least Louis had hoped there was cause.

With Louis remaining silent, the blond boy narrows his eyes at him. "Who the fuck are you, anyway?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Louis shoots back.

For some reason, it appears to startle the boy. He frowns, then glances down at Harry before his gaze sweeps once along the room, pausing on a shelf which, as far as Louis can tell, holds absolutely nothing of interest. Just books and a pack of cards. Hmm.

Yet, when the blond's gaze snags back to him, he suddenly looks a lot friendlier. A lot. The change is quite surprising, reminds Louis of the first time he met Harry. While this guy's smile doesn't have the same punch-in-the-guts effect of Harry's smile, it's cheeky and bright.

Before the boy can say anything, though, Harry mumbles a sleep-rough, "Wha' time is it?"

"Close to ten," the blond answers. He sounds apologetic. "Car's gonna pick you up in, like, half an hour."

Fall into your gravity (larry AU by Zarah5)Where stories live. Discover now