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Harry is in that drowsy in-between state, his surroundings slowly shifting into focus, when Louis trying to slip away brings him to full alertness. Tightening his arm around Louis' waist, Harry opens one eye, disgruntled. "Stay."

Louis rolls to face him, a grin tucked into the corners of his mouth. In the soft daylight trickling in through the curtains, he looks happy, bright-eyed, his hair a tangled mess. "I need to pee, Harry."

On principle, Harry clings for a few seconds longer before he loosens his hold. "Fine. If you kiss me first."

Now the grin does spread across Louis' face. "Fine," he echoes, leaning in only to stop inches before their mouths are touching. "Morning breath."

"I don't care." Harry arches his back, runs his palm down Louis' naked stomach and smiles. "Do you?"

"Not if you don't." And then Louis closes the space between them, a soft brush of lips before Harry opens his mouth, tilts his head for a better angle, teasing Louis' tongue out until they're clutching at each other, hurried breaths that sound obscenely loud in the stillness of the room.

"I really need to pee," Louis mumbles into Harry's mouth. Harry snickers against Louis' lips and pulls back, is still grinning when Louis slides out from under the duvet. The flittering light paints Louis' skin in a warm bronze, tan lines marking the low cut of the swimming trunks he must have been wearing in Australia. His naked bum truly is a sight to behold.

Pushing up onto his elbows, Harry whistles and Louis glances back over his shoulder, laughs. "I feel objectified."

"I'm sorry," Harry tells him, not sorry at all. "Get back here and I'll make it up to you."

"Pee," Louis states. "Urgently." As if to illustrate his point, he dashes into the bathroom, closing the door. Harry lies back down, shuts his eyes with a content sigh. This, he could get used to this, lazy mornings and sleeping in with Louis naked and gorgeous beside him. He definitely could, yes.

When he hears the door open again, he keeps his eyes closed, smiling into his pillow. "Come back here?"

"Just a minute." Something rustles before Louis' steps draw closer, bare feet padding over the wooden floor, coming to a halt in front of the bed. The digital sound of a shutter makes Harry's eyes fly open.

Louis is crouched beside the mattress, glancing at the screen of his phone with a faint quirk to his lips, something so fond in it that Harry forgets how to breathe for a moment. "For someone so ugly," Louis says, all dry irony, "you certainly are photogenic."

He places the phone on the bed as he crawls back under the duvet, and Harry reaches over to have a look. Louis captured the tiny smile lingering on Harry's lips, eyes closed and a perfect case of bedhead on display, the curve of Harry's naked shoulder somewhat out of focus. For all that Harry has pictures taken of him all the time, he rarely looks this... happy.

Something must have shown on his face, because suddenly Louis swears and takes the phone from him, says, "Sorry, shit, I totally forgot. I'll delete it, okay?"

"Don't," Harry says abruptly, and thinks, I totally forgot. Only Louis would forget what lies beyond this room. "Don't," Harry repeats, softer now. "I trust you."

"Yeah?" Louis glances down at the picture, then over at Harry, and shifts closer, one hand winding into Harry's hair. "Even though you know the chaos I exude?"

Fall into your gravity (larry AU by Zarah5)Where stories live. Discover now