The Electric Surge

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I Found a way to get out of talking to Derek by using the excuse my dad wants me home early so I was now sitting in bed ready to go to sleep and I was just drifting of when I heard a rummaging sound at my window I sprung up and slowly crept over to pick up my trusty baseball bat it's alright for some who have werewolf claws to defend themselves with but I'm just little o'l me so I need some kind of protection anyway after grabbing my baseball bat I crept over to the window when suddenly I saw a dark shadow figure sitting outside the window I flew back and fell over on my carpet backing away from the window when it  unlocked itself and the silhouette jumped in my room my heart was racing my palms were sweaty but gripping on to the bat with dear life ready to strike the intruder when suddenly his face and those big loveable green eyes gave me a look as if he was trying to work out whether or not I was really going to strike the intruder with a bat it was Derek. "DEREK!, What the hell are you doing climbing through my window at midnight!?" I was trying to screech at him I was so angry he nearly gave me a heart attack. He gave me a half smile his face made me less angry because he looked so innocent and sweet " Stiles.." He whispered getting ready to say something. " I had to come and see you, what you said today it made me think about you a lot" He rolled his eyes at me probably because my mouth had already dropped to the floor I mean Derek hale thinking of me also why was he here or more importantly why was he bringing up something I told him to leave alone. I didn't know what to say before the words just poured out my mouth "Derek why are you actually here, not that I mind it's just well your here and I thought you didn't like me and I'm really confu- " I stopped have way through my rambling to hear Derek " Stiles stop talking" he ordered me to shut up in my own house don't think so! " Derek don't tell me to shut up yo-" he interrupted again "Stiles. If you don't shut up I'll rip your throat out. With my teeth!" He spat through his now clenched jaw he was getting annoyed however ever since I met Derek he has always used this threat it stills scares me but deep down I found how dominant and demanding he was not only made him sound like a total douche but actually I found it attractive even when he was threatening me. "Stop being such a sour-wolf" I replied slightly sarcastic but mostly teasing him of which he returned with a glare.
I started to chuckle and then I tripped over some shoes on my floor when I went to get up of the floor after realising I was still on my ass but Derek caught me in his arms holding me against his chest my cheeks had turned from pale colour to bright red in no less than a second, after catching me he still held me there our faces inches away from each others and that's when it happened that's when the surge of electric surged through both our lips but in a pleasurable way and My lips locked with his in sync he kissed me gently and sweetly it only lasted no longer than five seconds but I was still left with the aftertaste.. A taste for more.

We looked at eachother holding each others stare and before I could stop myself I was asking him a question " So... does this mean you like me?" He just stood their staring at me for a moment before turning his gaze fully to my attention and whispered " Well.. I'm warming to the idea yeah" he teased a smirk growing on his lips from ear to ear.

I was lucky after all that Derek does like me back and now all my pain or still existing pain was gone I was happy ..

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