New Name, New Identity

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The 5 year old grinned and waved to his guardian, who was on the porch watching. He then started walking off with his new pal, Wendy. She and him had agreed that today they would finally hang out for fun at the local arcade. She explained that they could get pizza to eat after they finished playing games until their fingers hurt. Stan didn't mind the two going out together, especially after seeing she had stayed along side him to protect him from the bullies that no longer bothered him after school when walking home.

"Man, it's nice to not have any worries, eh Ty?" She said while walking along the sidewalk, the younger kid walking right beside her. "This is what weekends are for. No homework, no worries! No bullies. Ya get what I'm sayin'?"

Tyrone nodded reluctantly even though homework wasn't a problem to him. He could fly by a half an hour's work in 10 minutes flat. "Mmm-hmm. I totally get what you're saying." He replies while striding down the walk way.

Wendy looked down at him and grinned, sensing he was feeling a bit of confidence while trying to act cool. She continued striding along with him until they reached the arcade, where she stopped in the front of it. The building with a joystick on the front and colorful lights flashing from inside made them both grin in excitement. Tyrone for one, had never been in an arcade, so everything looked amazing and he wanted to try everything. As soon as the two kids went inside, Ty wanted to play everything. Wendy giggled and after a couple hours of playing until their fingers did hurt, they started down the sidewalk to a pizzeria, which luckily wasn't too far down the road.

"Man, that was fun! What was your favorite game?" Wendy asked, looking down at her little friend.

"I liked Fight Fighters!" He replied back with a toothy grin. He paused, putting a finger on his chin as if he were thinking. "Hey, remember when I beat you that one round?" He grinned, trying to rub it in.

"Whattt? No. I let you win." She said back teasingly.

"Sure you did." Ty said with a giggle, still happy with his victory.

"What kind of pizza do you like?" She asked as they approached the next building, which reeked the smell of sauce, pepperoni and baking dough. They both inhaled it in with a happy sigh.

"I'm okay with pepperoni."

"Ah sweet! Me too! I'll be right back, you go on and pick a table."

With that being said, Wendy walked off, leaving the 5 year old alone with the chattering of people talking and a couple empty tables. There was one by the window, which is the table he picked right away. Wendy walked back over a couple minutes later with a number for their table and he and her chatted until their delectable food was brought to their table, in which they both ate like pigs, starving to death (or that's at least what it felt like).

"Thanks for hanging out with me today." Ty said with a grin, looking up at the older girl who grinned right back at him.

"Absolutely! And be sure to see me on Monday for our normal spot at the tables." She replied with a smile. Ever since she and him had been walking together, she always sat by him for lunch in the cafeteria. They traded their goods back and forth, and sometimes if Wendy didn't have anything, he would share.

Ty nodded with a smile on his face as well as they approached the Mystery Shack, the place he called home. "I'll see you on Monday!"

"See you Monday."


For some reason she wasn't there. She had always been there the past 3 years through their elementary years together but for some reason she wasn't here today. Ty sat up on his knees on the bench, looking desperately around for his best friend. 'Wendy, Wendy where are you?' his thoughts said in his head as he bit his lip. She must be sick today. The 8 year old sighed and rubbed his arm. Looks like he'll be eating lunch alone today.

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