Lake Legends

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The next morning Mabel was yet again the first one up. This time she slept in their room. And by their it meant half of Dipper's room and half of her own since Stan split it up.(Dipper, again, was not too thrilled about that). She was about to go poke him awake like she usually would with her parents, but he didn't seem all that comfortable with her yet so she pushed off that idea. It wasn't about until half an hour later that the 12 year old boy yawned and sat up, blinking then squinting at the watch on his arm. 9:30am. He looked over at the bed across from him to find it empty. 'Where'd she go?' He thought quietly before shrugging, not caring that much and walking down the creaky, old stairs. As soon as he entered the kitchen, she found his sister there...with some sort of weird sparkly drink that had multicolored plastic dinosaurs in it. No joke. It looked like a gnome from the forest barfed rainbows into the cup she was holding.

"Hey, Dipper!" She grinned and walked over, showing off her drink of sorts. "Wanna try some MabelJuice?"

"...MabelJuice?" He questioned, blinking his tired eyelids. "What's even in that thing? It looks like if coffee and nightmares had a kid."

"Welll..." She inhaled a deep breath before starting to explain what was inside. It sure was sugary and..interesting for that matter. He could see the empty sugar sack on the counter if he peeked over her shoulder.

"...No thanks, i'm fine." He said at the end of her ramble before sitting down in one of the old wooden kitchen chairs. He quietly ate a banana. He didn't feel all that hungry for whatever reason...but then again he wasn't hungry most of the time. Most of the time it was himself forcing himself to eat because half the time he wasn't hungry. Something caught his eye in this morning's paper however. He rose his head upwards to see what it was, and what it was, was an ad for a monster hunt contest. Whoever could bring back a picture of a real supernatural creature would win 1,000 dollars. Jackpot.

Mabel shrugged and put her pitcher of her drink into the fridge on a shelf. She took the glass she had been trying to give her brother and sat down with it. She then drank it. How is it even possible for one to drink that much sugar and not be on a sugar high? And to top it off, she had some of the sugary cereal she had found yesterday. After a couple minutes Grunkle Stan walked into the kitchen, stretching his arms out. "Morning you knuckleheads. Know what today is?" Dipper blinked. Out of all days today was....oh no. He gulped. Fishing season. Mabel grinned and went on to shout out some random answer however since she had no idea what was ahead of them. The preteen went to try and answer but of course his great uncle just butted in and answered for him. "I'll tell you later, but first! Who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car!"

"YAY!" Mabel shouted loudly, throwing her hands up in the air.

"No thanks." Dipper grumbled out with a frown.

The next thing he knew he was shoved into a old, smelly car with a blindfold over his eyes. This was just perfect. Sure, Mabel didn't know, but he knew, and he knew well enough that it was bad. Every time he was forced to go it was full of bad jokes and wet aquamarine creatures. With a groan as he heard the car start up, he let his legs dangle off the carseat rather than hug his knees. Then they started moving. Mabel was grinning while her twin was frowning still. The car made all kinds of twists and turns and even bumped over stuff. He knew well enough this is how he drove and the scary part was he wasn't even wearing a blindfold, so imagine how bad it'd be if he did wear one. He shuddered at the thought. It was too early to be getting into the normal everyday shenanigans that happened. Mabel was blabbering on about something but he didn't hear any of it. The 12-year-old boy kept trying to yank off the cloth around his eyes but always got caught. Suddenly, the car jerked to a stop, sending Dipper's face into a car headrest.

"Alright, everyone out!" Stan barked with enthusiasm as he himself exited the mobile. The kids scrambled out of the car, using their hands to find their way around, or in Dipper's case, following his sister's loud voice. They managed to stumble out without falling and stand by the machine on wheels. "Alright...take 'em off!" His nephew, with pleasure, yanked off the cloth and stared at the sign in front of them with hatred. Mabel pulled off hers as well and gave a confused look. "Ta-da! It's fishing season!"

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