Words Can Go A Long Way

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((Little Announcement: Yes, I know I had posted this before, but I'm reposting because Sailorleo gave me some more information that I didn't have before that I didn't add, and some of it would be like its major and I couldn't just smash it in because all of you would need to know beforehand. So if you were reading this fanfic before, I would definitely appreciate all the votes and comments again!!! Also just an FYI, im not planning on doing all the episodes because I don't want to just copy and paste lines. I'm sorry this is so sudden :/ Anyways, here we go!!))

"And behold...the most horrifying attraction you'll ever see....THE CHEST BUSTER!" Stanley Pines, Mr.Mystery, whatever you were to call him shouted out to the group of tourists he had with him. On his chest was indeed a small little 'monster' in a Huggy Wuvvy Tummy Bundle type thing. Soos, his new recruit of the staff was among the tourists to help out with whatever was needed. To add more, Soos was rather young, about the age of 12 and was already working for Stan due to an incident that happened with a screwdriver he had tried to return to the old man but ended up getting an oversized shirt with a question mark on it thrown at him instead. Not that it didn't bother him, in fact, he loved the fact he got to work for Stan. Something just felt right. Tourists gasped and flashed pictures as the small little monster kicked it's little legs and made babbles.

"That brings us to the end of our tour! Thanks for dropping by the Mystery Shack, where we put the fun in no refunds!" His voice boomed as Soos held out a jar, indicating for people to drop their cash in, which the crowd did. Soon one by one, the people were gone. Stan took off the Huggy Wuvvy after taking out the small monster, which he handed to Soos, who took it with a grin and exchanged the old man for the jar of money he had collected. As Stan started to take out the dollar bills and count them, Soos plopped on the floor and took off the monster suit, revealing a small child. He had brown, messy, fluffy hair and was wearing a pink shirt underneath jean overalls. His cheeks were rosy and chubby as he looked up at the older boy with a gasp and grin.

"Hehe, guess who's here?" Soos said with a grin, laying on his stomach. Yes, in the dirt. He was super excited to get to the kid, he's like his younger brother, or so it felt at least.

"Soo!" The little kid responded, pointing to the older boy.

"Yeah, dawg!" The 12 year old said happily.

"Soos! At least get inside, will ya?" Stan commented, watching the 2 kids talk and babble. He finished counting up all the money and had the stack in his hand, the jar in his arm.

"Oh, right! Sorry Mr. Pines!" He said as helping the small kid up from the ground and holding his hand as they headed inside, Stanley following after and shutting the door behind as they entered the gift shop. 12pm, lunch time! With that being said, Soos, who brought a 'cold lunch' as called in elementary, sat down and started to eat his peanut butter sandwich in the kitchen. The little kid watching and babbling to himself, that is, until his own stomach rumbled. Now, to a older human being, that would be normal and they would know what to do. But to a little 2 or 3 year old, this meant something else. The boy's face cringed before standing up from sitting beside Soos and stumbling over to Stan. Man, he looked so tall.

He tugged on the man's suit, looking up at him. "Grun? I'm pwetty hungry now..."

Stanley looked down at the kid who still had his little chubby hand and fingers on his suit, almost like clinging onto it. Sure the kid still hadn't gotten his full name quite yet, but he was getting there. "Grunkle. And uh, I guess let's see what we can get you then, yeah?" The man started to head to the kitchen, the little boy tagging along behind. "Let's see...got stuff for...uh..." He stopped and opened some cupboards, some were filled with cobwebs. Note to self, grocery shopping later. "We got some...chicken noodle soup?" Stan stuck his hand into a cabinet opening and pulling out a can. The little kid nodded fast as his uncle pulled out a pot and started to get cooking.

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