Summer Begins

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Ah, the last day of school. As soon as Dipper Pines stepped out of that blasted building it meant he was free. Free from school bullies, free from homework, free from those stupid teachers that assigned too much work. As he walked along the sidewalk he let out a sigh, inhaling that pine-scented air. The whole school had an early release at 12:30pm rather than 2:30pm. Wendy caught up with him, yanking his backpack hook back.

"Hey, doofus." She said to the 12 year old with a smirk. "Think you could've walked home without me?"

"Psh. I'm not in the third grade anymore, I don't need a bodyguard. I can fight my own fights." He retorted back, looking up at the teenager.

"Sure ya don't. You don't have that left hook quite right yet, buddy."

"Yes I do!" He said while rolling his eyes.

"Show me, little man." She said, testing him. Giving him a challenge.

Now, Dipper being himself, he couldn't take down a challenge. He let out a small grin before pausing and throwing a left hook into the palm of her hand. She didn't even flinch.

"Not quite there, like I said. But hey, better than nothing, am I right?"

He huffed and jammed his hands in his jacket pockets. "I guess that makes sense." He paused and changed the subject. "What're you planning to do for your summer?"

"Welll I was thinkin' maybe I could help over at the Mystery Shack this year again. No doubt i'm going to." She said with a smile. "My dad'll probably have some camping trips or training or have me pick up after him, like always. You?"

"I'm finally going to solve the mystery behind that Gideon kid." He replied back, rolling his eyes at the name. "Also more than likely will get handed a shit load of jobs to do by Stan."

"I doubt the old man will let you get near that place." Wendy said while laughing.

"So what? Still worth a shot! This time I might finally do it!"

"That's what you've been saying since you were 8."

"Still." He replied with a huff before facing his attention to the sidewalk again, which shortly turned into the rundown dirt road that belonged to the outskirts of the Mystery Shack. The dirt that got kicked by their shoes turned into dust shortly after. "Oh well wouldja look at that, i'm here! You can leave now, bodyguard."

"Psh! Shut up, man!" She replied back, shoving her friend playfully, earning a chuckle. Wendy rolled her eyes after that and started to walk off, waving. "See you in a couple days!"

"See you in a couple!" He shouted back before walking up the porch steps. Stan's voice was heard from outside, and he was talking to a tourist group. As he walked inside he dropped off his backpack in his room upstairs before racing down the stairs and poking his head in the Shack's gift shop. Soos was there. Dipper grinned.

Soos didn't take that long to notice him at the doorway frame. "Hey, dawg!" He replied back with a smile before squishing his 'little brother' in a hug.

"Soos! You're choking me, man!" He said after a minute, trying to pry his way out of the man-child's grip.

"Oh! Sorry dude." Soos let go the second after he said that. "Heh. Sorry, just really happy to see you."

"Soos, you see me almost everyday." Dipper let out a small chuckle before smiling. "It's good to see you anyways though."

"You excited about summer break?"

"You bet I am! It's going to be filled with adventure!" He stated with hands on his hips.

"DIPPER! CLEAN UP ON THE FRONT LAWN!" Stan shouted from outside.

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