This isn't Goodbye p2

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Jacks POV
It had been a few months since camp ended.
Mark and I tried to skype everyday. And if we couldn't we would text eachother every second we had.
Mark never seased to make me laugh at his goofy jokes.
I was about to turn 16 soon and when I mentioned it to Mark he flipped.
"YOUR BIRTHDAY IS NEXT WEEK AND I DIDN'T KNOW!?" he yelled almost blowing my speakers on my computer out.
I chuckled.
"Jacckkkkk why didnt you tell me soonerrrr" he wined.
He can go from a puppy to screaming child in .2 seconds.
I chuckled at his behavior.
"IVE GOT IT!" he screamed suddenly after contemplating for a few seconds.
I jumped slightly at his outburst.
"And what on earth could you have planned" i giggled.
"Nottt telling. Its supposed to be a suprisssee" he said.
I chuckled.
"Im sure its fantastic whatever your mind came up with" i said.
"Oh yes it is definitely the most amazing idea in the whole world thought up by yours truly" he said pointing at himself and winking.
I looked at the clock. 1am.
I sighed.
"Sorry Mark but its like 1 here and i should probably get some sleep.. School tomorrow you know"
"Doo you havevvvveeee toooo?" he whined.
"I wish i didnt but yes"
"Aw... Okay! Ill see you tomorrow. I love you!"he said blowing a kiss.
I smiled.
"I love you too" i said giggling softly.
We hung up.
I stretched and hopped into bed falling asleep almost instantly.
The next few days were mostly boring. Mark and I only talked on Skype after school and would secretly text throughout the day.
Pretty soon it was the day before my birthday.
I was in my room sat at the computer when i suddenly got a call from Mark. I picked up the phone immediately.
"Hey Mark!" i said cheerily.
"Hi Jack!"i heard him giggle.
"What you up to" i asked him, putting him on speaker and taking of my shirt and pants, then slipped on a pair of pajama pants.
"Nothing much. But you should check your front door."
"Because i sent you something silly" i heard him giggle.
I picked up my phone and walked to my front door and opend it.
I nearly dropped my phone.
Mark was stood there in a suit, with a red present bow on his head.
I hung up on the phone.
"Hi Jack" he smiled.
I grinned and basically jumped into his arms.
He hugged me back tightly.
"Mark! How!? What! Im so happy to see you!"
"Well its almost your birthday and i wanted to give you a present so i sent you me!" he smiled.
"How long are you here for?"
"I have to be back Monday so ill have three days to be with you"
"But i have school tomorrow"
"I talked to your mom. Shes letting you ditch one day considering its a special occasion" he grinned.
I smiled and kissed him lovingly.
He kissed back.
"God i missed you so much" i said, cuddling into his arms.
"I missed you too Jack" he said.
Eventually we made our way inside.
"So are you hungry? I could order us a pizza or something" i asked.
"That sounds really good right now actually" mark said.
I chuckled and dialed the number.
While i was on the phone mark thought it would be the perfect time to figure out if im ticklish.
"Yeah ill have a pepperoni -ah! Mark! Stop it!" i laughed.
"Delivery or pickup?" the woman asked sounding amused.
"D-delivery" mark kept tickling me making me sqeal.
I gave her the adress and hung up.
Mark kissed my neak softly, i squealed again.
He then peppered my face with kisses.
"C-come on Mark! Th-that tickles!" i squeaked and tried to escape.
He chuckled. And stopped, And kissed my nose softly.
I giggled.
"You are such a dork"
"Yes. But im your dork." he smiled.
"Mmmhmm and dont forget it" i said.
Eventually he started tickling me again and we started running around the house.
Me trying to hide from mark the tickle monster and him trying to pin and tickle me.
Eventually i hid behind the couch.
I heard his footsteps grow closer.
"Jackkk whheerrre Areee youu?" ge teased.
He was looking everywhere.
I peaked above the couch but didnt see him.
He snuck up behind me and started tickling me on the couch making me squeal and laugh.
"Mark! n-no fair! Your stronger than me!" i laughed.
Eventually the doorbell rang.
"That's probably the pizza" i sqeaked.
Mark got off of me and i walked to the door.
I answered it and the pizza guy looked at us funny.
"This the place with the tickling going around" i heard him chuckle.
I blushed.
"Yeah that.. That would be us."
I said.
I took and payed for the pizza.
"You two have a goodnight then" he said and left.
I closed the door blushing darkly.
"Pizzzaaaa!" Mark said. I chuckled.
He was so childish sometimes. I missed him so much.
I laughed.
I walked to my room and put the pizza on my desk.
I pulled out a lot of blankets and pillows and set up a bed on the floor. Then i put the pizza down and got my laptop.
"Pizza and Netflix?" Mark asked.
"Pizza and Netflix" i said chuckling.
We spent the rest of the evening watching disney movies and eating pizza.
Mark was so cute when he watched movies. He was sent through many stages.
Extreme happiness, shipping, and crying.
It was interesting to watch.
In the middle of a movie he leaned over and kissed me gently.
"I love you" he whispered.
"I love you too" i said smiling.
He connected our lips again.
Eventually we fell asleep cuddled against eachother.
When i woke up in the morning i was on Mark's chest. I smiled and cuddled up closer to him.
I felt him stir in his sleep slightly. Then heard him yawn.
"Mornin Mark" i said sleepily.
"Good morning" he said.
He kissed me gently.
"And happy birthday."
I giggled.
"Thanks mark"
"I have another present for you" he said.
"You didn't hav-" he cut me off with a kiss.
He dug through his pants pocket and pulled out a small black box.
"If thats an engagement ring I accept"
He chuckled.
"No not quite yet Jack" he opened the box too show a silver ring.
"Its a promise ring"
"What are you promising"
"That i will love you no matter what and i will always be there for you.
Ill be there when your sad.
Ill always be by your side. Because im never going to say goodbye"

Second of this glorious one shot.
I think ill make a couple more updates on this one
Then start a new story.

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