Snow Day

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(this is a story requested by @grassitrash. )mention a user
(this is also them now. Dont get it confused with the last story yay)

Mark and I had planned to go on a nice little cabin adventure. It was Mark's idea. It was so we could have a break and get away from the fanpeople and the youtube drama for a few days. A few other people were supposed to come but they got stopped by snow.
It was wintertime and it was very very cold. But anything to have a couple calm days right?
I just got out of Marks car.( We met up at his so we could drive together.) It was really pretty. There was a slight breeze which made me shiver. The trees and ground were covered by snow. It was still snowing lightly.
"Its really pretty isnt it" Marks voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah.." i said.
"So wheres the cabin?" i eventually asked.
"Here its this way." he said taking our bags. And walking twoards the frozen over lake. It was right next to it. A small log cabin.
When we got inside the chill stsrted to get to me a bit. It was good to be inside but it was still definitely cold.
"Is there a heater or a fireplace or something?" i asked.
"Oh um yeah i think so" Mark said.
I looked around and found a fire place.
"Hey Mark! I found the fireplace."
I shouted.
He walked up behind me a couple minutes later and put some logs down. Then started getting the fire ready.
"We might have to sleep here for the night. The rest of the cabin is freezing, especially the bedrooms." Mark said.
"Oh fun. I guess it isnt that terrible though, ima go see if i can find us some blankets" i said.
I walked to the bedrooms. Mark was right they were absolutely freezing. I grabbed all the blankets i could find and a few pillows.
When I got back Mark had a fire going.
"You want help with those blankets?" he asked chukling softly. There was a lot of them so i appreciated the help. I probably looked like a kid that had a nightmare and walked to his parents room, bringing his blanket and stuffed animal.
Eventually we had sortove a bed made out of all the blankets and pillows.
The fire didnt do much surprisingly , but it did a bit to warm us up.
I noticed a bit of an awkward silence that had spread across the room there was supposed to be more people. But they couldn't make it. I was already visiting Mark so it wasnt too much of a struggle for us to get here.
" gonna go see if they have anything here for hot chocolate."
"If they do could you make me one" Mark asked making a puppy dog face. I chuckled. He was too cute.... I paused mentally. Did i just call Mark cute. Okay. No big deal. He can be cute i guess. I walked into the kitchen and found a few packets for Hot chocolate. I heated up milk and then added the packets. A few minutes later i walked out to Mark. He had taken off his coat and was sat by the fire.
I took of my coat and then sat next to him.
"Here you go one order of hot chocolate for Mr. Markiplier " i said handing him the cup. He chuckled.
"Thanks Jack"
We sipped on our hot chocolate and we sat in a comfortable silence. Even being next to a fire and drinking this didn't warm me up as much as I thought. Cuddling with a certain mark to warm up didnt sound so bad right now.
But that would be weird. Mark and I were both straight... And friends so.. Awkward.
Eventually Mark and I decided it would be best to sleep for now and hope it would be warmer in the morning.
Wich worked until about 2am. When i woke up shivering. The fire had gone out and I was freezing. I thought i could see my own breath. At one point i heard Mark turn over to face me. He was shivering as well, but less than me.
"I know its weird but come here we might warm up more" he said opening his arms. I blushed lightly and moved closer to him, cuddling into his arms. This was definitely better. His body heat was warming me up slightly. We layed there cuddled up for a while and soon started talking.
About everything our careers, colours, foods, the snow, each other... Basically everything. Until we got to more.. Awkward topics.
"I dont know my past girlfriends didn't even seem like my friends. I saw you more than them and you are literally thousands of miles away." i said.
He chuckled softly.
"Interesting, so are you saying you prefer me then" he said puffing his chest out slightly. I laughed.
"Who knows. Maybe i do Markimoo"
"Maybe i like you too Jack"
I dont know if it was from the lack of sleep, or something. But Mark and I both started leaning towards each other. Soon our lips met and i felt fireworks shoot throughout my body.
"You know they say the less clothes you wear the warmer you will be" Mark whispered in my ear. I blushed darkly. I kissed mark again. I felt his hand go to the hem of my shirt. He took it off and then reconnected our lips. His shirt soon followed along with the rest of our clothing. We were under the covers completely naked. Mark kissed me again but this time more roughly. He started grinding down onto me, making me moan into the kiss. I pulled him closer, deepening the kiss and grinded up. Mark wrapped my legs around his waist. I soon after felt something large pressing into me, making my face and the rest of my body heat up. He kissed my neak and bit at it leaving multiple marks.
I moaned his name softly, my breath hitching with every bite. Mark kissed me and i tangled my hands into his hair. I started to feel him move slowly. Our bodies rubbing together was warming me up quickly. My face turned bright red when Mark found my spot. Mark started moving faster hitting my spot with every thrust.
"Oh g-god Mark! F-aster!" i moaned. I thought i could see Mark blush.
He started moving faster and harder. He kissed me roughly and continued to move harder.
"Ah! M-ark i-im c-close" i said my body shuddering slightly. I could tell he was too. His thrusts were getting sloppy. With one last thrust we came together each others names called softly. I looked up at Mark after a bit my whole face a dark shade of red.
"Well i guess thats one way to warm up" I chuckled.
"We should do it more often" Mark said softly and connected our lips again.

Okay yep.
Smutty. Flufffy.
Im not sure ill make a part two i think its good where I left off.
Thanks for reading

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