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(story idea from @grassitrash)
i was putting away Marks laundry when i noticed a shirt, it was grey and had long sleeves it looked comfortable.... I took off my shirt and put on Marks. It smelled like him and it was still warm from the laundry. But it was definitely much too big for me. It went down just a bit below my boxers and hung off me, it almost fell off my shoulders.
I put away the rest of the clothing.
Mark wasnt home at the moment i think he was hanging out with wade. I decided to make food for when ge got home. I heated up the stove and put a pan on it. I started baking and when i was about through making it i heard the door open and close.
"Hey Jack!? Where are you?"
I heard him shout.
"In the kitchen!" i yelled back.
I decided to scare him. Because... I dont know.. I wanted to.
I hid next to the door just out of veiw. He walked into the kitchen.
"Jack? Whered u go...?"
"TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES!!" i screamed at the top of my lungs. He yelped and turned around to face me.
When he did he paused.
"Are you... Are you wearing my shirt?" he asked, his head tilting.
A dark blush coated my face.
"Umm.. Maybe?" i giggled.
He made a sort of squealing sound and suddenly gave me a bear hug.
"Soooooo cuutteeee" he said.
My face grew darker.
"I-i uhmmm... T-thanks" i said shyly.
He pulled away and squished my face softly.
"Your sooo adorablleeeee" he grinned.
He picked me up and spinned me around kissing me lovingly. I blushed darker and kissed him back. When he put me down he flooffed my hair and giggled.
"Its like a dressbon you jack its so cute" he squealed.
I had my hands wrapped in the sleeves, and was looking down shyly.
He squealed louder. He picked me up and just hugged me. I hugged back and he squeezed tighter.
He was giggling and grinning goofily. He kissed my head gently. When we pulled away i suddenly remebered the food.
"I uh.made us food?" i said.
He seemed Kindove... Dazed? I rolled my eyes and chuckled. I walked and put the food onto plates and turned off the stove. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the back of my neak gently. I felt my blush deepen.
I turned to face him.
"Mmm my cute little tomato boyfriend" he giggled and booped my nose.
He picked me up and put me on the couch.
"Mark what.. Wh-hat about the food?"
"I just want to cuddle my little cute boyfriend" he said and put in a movie.
He sat down and pulled me onto his lap. Cuddling me in his arms. I cuddled him back. Halfway through the movie i started to doze off.
Mark noticed and picked me up bridal style. My arm reached up and gripped his shirt, he kissed my head softly. He moved me to the bedroom. He layed me down and pulled the covers over me.
"I love you Jack" he said kissing my forehead.
"I love you too." i said smiling sleepily.
"You should get some sleep" mark said.
"Nuh uh.. Not unless i have my cuddly boyfriend to sleep with me" i said tiredlu, putting my hands out to him.
He smiled and chuckled, crawling in next to me. We cuddled together both falling into a peaceful sleep.

So cuuteeeee
Thank for reading

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