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(yes im using dark. But regular Jack so.... Enjooyyyy)
(also im so sorry this is so smutty...)

Jack pov
I heard the front door slam. I was sat in the living room, reading. I jumped and looked up. I thought i saw Mark. But suddenly the lights went off. I stood up off the couch and started walking in the direction of where i thought i saw him.
As i got closer i felt a cold feeling spread throughout my body. I shivered. I walked to the switch but before i could click it i was thrown against the wall, pinned by an unseen force.
"Mark! This better be some joke. This isnt funny though!" i yelled.
I heard a low dark chuckle that sent shivers down my spine.
The lights grew a bit, but only so i could see the figure of a man.
"Mark?....." i asked quietly.
"Im afraid that your Mark isn't here" it said. It sounded like Mark... But.. Different.
"T-then who are you?"
I heard a deep chuckle and the lights flickered on. I shut my eyes as a reflex to the light. When i opened them a man stood before me. He looked like Mark... But.. More... Evil?
"You l-look like my Mark...." i said.
"And i-if you arent.... Then.. Who are you..?" i continued.
"Hmm.. I suppose you Could call me Dark."
"Dark? Oh come on. This .. This had to be some sort of joke i mean really Ma-"
He slammed his body against mine.
"I assure you. I am not Mark.. A part of him yes. A part he cast aside long ago. But i am not Mark" he said smirking evily.
"Th-then why..... Why ar-re you h-here now..?"
"Oh. Well you see Jack. My little playmate ran away. Went to go find someone else you might say.. But you Jack you resemble them, but you are much much more interesting" he said a dark grin covering his face.
I shrunk back, trying to get as much space between us as possible.
"Awe are you scared?" he teased.
"N-no.... But.. If your here where i-"
He slammed against me making a low growling sound.
"Don't talk about him. Just focus on me right now. Okay?" he purred.
I felt a slight blush cover my face.
He smirked.
"I knew you found me attractive" he leaned down and bit at my neck roughly. I squeaked and moaned softly.
I couldnt move my arms. I tried to struggle to get away.
"Shh baby its just you and me. We dont have to worry about Mark now." he purred.
I shivered unwillingly. I had to admit this "dark" was quite alluring in an odd way.. And he wasnt not Mark?.. Maybe i should just do this and he will leave me alone..
I felt him smirk.
"I can hear your thoughts you know. You have such a large connection to the other you and you dont even know it." he chuckled.
He slid his hands down my sides and traced them under my shirt.
He moved up to my nipples and started rubbing and tweaking them. My back arched and ended up almost grinding on M-... Dark..
He started grinding against me roughly. My breath hitched. I grinded back softly. He continued tweaking my nipples. I moaned quietly.
"You dont have to be quiet around me baby boy" he said smoothly.
My face grew redder.
He tore off my shirt... Quite literally. It was in peices on the floor. I swallowed nervously. Kindove just realizing im dealing with a supernatural being....
"Shhh dont be nervous. I promise ill make you feel so good." he whispered in my ear. I shivered.
He moved and licked up my chest slowly, making my back arch slightly. It was a bit awkward that ny arms were pinned.
"If i..unpin you. You promisr not to run away" he said leaning down so he was on his knees, just in front of my pants zipper. I nodded slightly.
I felt my arms release but then my legs feel restrained along with a feeling of something around my neak, black... But i couldnt tell what it was.
"Its a shock collar. If you dont do what i say ill shock you." he said and kissed my v line.
"Do you understand baby boy?" he said.
"Y-yes.." i said also nodding.
He ripped off my pants... Again... Quite literally.
"Awe but those were my favorite pair" i said sarcastically without noticing.
I saw a dark look in. Darks.. Eyes.
I should have kept my mouth shut.
"I-im s-sorry" i immediately said.
"Take this as a warning Jack ill use the lightest setting for now" he growled. I felt a sparking sensation go over me. My eyes blew and i felt my cock harden. I blushed darkly... I guess i liked that..?
I saw a smirk cover Darks lips. He shocked me again but this time at a higher setting. I felt tears prick at my eyes but i moaned loudly, my cock throbbing in my boxers.
"Good boy Jack" Dark said.
I panted and felt my face darken even more.
Dark also ripped off my boxers... With.. His.. Teeth....
"I love how much you enjoy our fun baby boy." dark said.
He slipped his mouth around my cock. I moaned and tangled my hands into his hair. He hummed over it sending vibrations through my body. I moaned my mouth staying agape. I felt him smirk, then he deepthroated me slowly. I moaned louder, my hips shuddering slightly. He moaned onto my dick and i felt overwhelming pleasure cover my whole body. This was so wrong but it felt so, so good. I gasped as he hummed again. If i wasnt pinned up i probably would have fallen from the sensation. His tounge lapped at my length making me shiver and groan. He bobbed His head slowly. My hips shuddered. I was trying so hard to not cum it felt so good and surprisingly i didnt want it to end. But it was getting harder and harder not to.
He moved his mouth off scraping his teeth down it. I groaned loudly.
"I really do want to taste you Baby boy." he said licking my slit.
I shuddered.
"How far do i have to push you to get you too?"
"J-just p-please.... I-if y-yo-u d-do j-just dont s-stop... P-please" i said quietly.
I heard him chuckle.
"I knew you were enjoying this"
I felt him slip his mouth back onto me. He sucked almost harshly. I groaned loudly.he moved his and back and then slipped a finger inside of me. I whined softly. He moved it in and out slowly continueing to suck at my throbbing cock. He soon added another finger and started stretching me. My hips shuddered.
"D-d-dark i-im c-c-close" i said almost a whisper. He added another finger and sucked harder.
I felt warmth cover my body as i came, tilting my head back and moaning Darks name loudly. I felt him pull away. I looked down at him licking his lips slowly.
"You taste so good baby boy"he said and licked my cock clean. He removed his fingers from me, making me whimper slightly at the loss.
"Shh baby ill give you something so much better." he said. Suddenly we were teleported?... To my bedroom.
My face darkened thinking about my earlier plead.. I felt my arms get pinned to the bed. I looked to the side to see Dark undressing. My eyes widened. My eyes traced down his muscled body, down to his large cock. My eyes clouded with lust.
He moved and leaned over me. He wrapped my legs around his waist.
He bit at my neck leaving multiple hickeys. I moaned his name softly.
"I love how you say my name baby boy" he said growling.
I felt his large cock start to push into me slowly. I shivered, already growing hard. He pushed into me completely. He waited. I felt his cock stretching me out so wide. The thought of how good he would make me feel made me shiver and moan. I felt him start moving slowly. I tilted my head back and moaned. He felt so fucking good.
He positioned himself so he could go at a better angle and started slamming into me. Tears pricked at my eyes from the pain and pleasure. I felt him slam in harder. I moaned out and pressed as close as i could to him.
"N-gh d-dark h-harder! P-p-please!"
He slammed in harder.
"Such a needy little boy." he said.
I felt him slam into my prostate. I screamed out his name.
"Found it" he smirked. He slammed in faster. Faster than humanly possible. But i still wanted more.
"D-dark p-please d-dont h-hh-old back s-show.. S-show me how g-good yY-ou can m-ma-ake m-me fe-el!" i moaned.
I saw him smirk. He pounded into me hitting my prostate with every thrust. He wrapped one hand around my cock and started stroking it quickly.
I arched up into his touch, screaming his name.
My hips shuddered. He continued to pound into me. I felt a small shock go over my neck. I moaned loudly. Tears streamed down my face from pain and pleasure.
"D-da-dark i-i n-gghh i- n-need t-to c-cu-um!" i screamed.
He slammed in harder. I felt my body shudder and i came screaming darks name.
He moaned and came filling me with it. It was warm. I pulled him down and kissed him roughly. He kissed back.
"D-do you think w-we co-uld do this a-gain s-s-sometime?" i asked.
"Why wait?"he smirked
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I am so sorry..

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