Making Up

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I dont remember exactly what we were fighting about. Something about a guy flirting with me, according to Mark anyways...All i know right now is that Mark slammed me against the wall .
I glared at him. His face was like stone. Moments later he started kissing me roughly, i kissed back just as hard tangling my hands into his hair. He pressed completely against me, so i was pressed up on him and the wall. I tugged at his hair, he moaned softly and forced his tounge in my mouth. Our tounges danced together, us both fighting for dominance over the other. He gripped my hips tightly, possibly leaving light bruise marks. I pulled him closer to me. The kiss was heated and full of fury and passion. He moved me so my legs were around his waist, still being pressed against the walls. Mark pulled away from the kiss and started leaving multiple dark hickeys over my neak and collar bones. I moaned. He smirked.
"You are mine" he growled. My eyes widened and i nodded. I always seemed to bottum out. He moved and nipped at one of the hickeys, i shivered and moaned. He soon moved us to the bedroom and layed me down. He started making out with me with a fiery passion. I kissed back and took off his shirt only breaking the kiss for a moment to get it over his head. He moved me so i was sitting on his lap. He "took off" my shirt. Basically ripping it, sending a few buttons across the room. I pressed forward kissing him again. His hands went to my belt and undid it. Then he took off my pants and boxers. So now i was the only one fully naked. He moved us so i was laying with my ass in the air and my face in the pillows.
"You've been a bad boy Jack" he said darkly. My face went red, i knew where this was leading. He slapped my ass harshly. I squeaked softly, my face growing redder. He slapped my ass again and again until it was pink, and stung from the sensation.
He flipped me over so i was looking at him. He wasnt exactly being gentle, but i didnt mind too much. He pressed close and kissed me again. I started to undo his pants. Then his boxers. All of our clothing had been flown to different parts of the room. Mark reached over to the bedside table grabbing out cuffs and some lube. He cuffed me to the bedpost.
"N-no fair M-ark" i said tugging on them. I only half meant it though.
"Be a good boy for me please?" he said in a way that definitely sounded like it wasnt an option. I gulped and nodded.
"Y-yes s-sir"
He opend the lube and spread it onto his cock. And he didnt stretch me. And Mark was large as all hell. Fun.
He wrapped my legs around his waist and suddenly slammed into me. I screamed out and arched off the bed. He waited a few moments at least to let me get used to him inside of me. I shivered softly.
"M-m-move" i said quietly. He smirked and started thrusting into me. I moaned out loudly. He rocked into me slowly at first, but picked up speed quickly. I moaned with every thrust my body shivering. He started slamming in harder. I gasped and whimpered softly. He was going a bit to fast but i could take it. He continued the pace for a while and just as i was starting to get used to it he started slamming in harshly, and relentlessly. I screamed and my back arched completely off the bed. He slammed into my prostate, probably bruising it. I gripped the cuffs trying to keep a bit of control on my part. Mark moved one of his hands and started stroking my cock along with his thrusts. I moaned louder, my head falling to the side. I panted and moaned. He slammed in faster. I felt drool slip past my lips, as i was unable to concentrate on most things around me. All i could focus on was how gods damn good he felt. Pounding into me. My hips shuddered.
"M-m-m-ar-k i-need t-t-too cc-cum!" i screamed out.
"Cum for me baby" he said lowly, still pounding into me.
I screamed his name and felt warmth cover my body as i came. He came moments later, moaning my name.
My breathing was slightly ragged.
"Jesus Christ that was amazing" i panted.
"Maybe we could do it more often" he smirked nipping my lip softly.
My face went bright red.
"Just maybe skip the whole fight part" i said.
He chuckled.
"Of course"

That was kinda fun to write lol
I hope you liked it
I guess
All of the smut things i write are so kinky im so sorry
Nah not really
So um

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