[Desperate] Hajime x Reader

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Oh boi, here we go. As requested by @MisstrissOfGaming

I can't take this anymore...

No food, no water, I don't care I need to find an exit out of this place.

(Y/N) and their classmates were gassed and put into this "Funhouse" Monokuma made. It should really be called the "Hellhole".

Monokuma had forced them to live there and if a killing dosent happen, they were going to starve to death.

"(Y/N), get ahold of yourself! There's no way out of this place. You just need to accept it.

My brain keeps telling me that we will find a way out and we won't die here. We've already lost so many, we wouldn't loose the whole group.

"Wait, the Final Dead Room! That has to be it, there has to be a way out from there!" I got out of bed very hesitantly and started to walk to the final dead room. I was still sleepy and I still wasn't sure of the idea, but soon enough, I was right in front of the door.

I was about to open it when I took a second to think. Could this really be the way out? It would just make Monokumas game easy. No, I've changed my mind, I'm heading back.

As I turned around and started to go back to my room, I ran into someone. We both collapsed and didn't even bother to stand up. I looked over to see who it was.

"H-Hajime? What are you doing?" I asked. He stared at me blankly, "I should be asking you that. What are you doing out here?"

I started to panic. There was no way I could tell him I was going to the Final Dead Room.

"I-I um, j-just went for a walk, that's all!" I laughed nervously. "(Y/N), I can tell your lying, tell me the truth." He set his tone very serious.

"F-fine, I was going to go into the Final Dead Room. I thought we could find a way out that way."

He just looked at me with a surprised expression on his face.

"I've had enough of this Hajime! This is a terrible way to go out. I- I just don't want to die, not here of all places!" I started to tear up. I laid on the ground motionless. I was so scared of what was going to happen to us. I didn't want it to end like this. Not before I could confess my feelings to you, Hajime!

"Wh-what?" Hajime started to blush. I said my thoughts out loud didn't I? "Uh, I'm I-I-I m-mean..." I was a stuttering mess at this point. My face was heating up as I was talking to Hajime, but I never expected the next part to happen.

We were still lying on the ground, and Hajime reached over and pulled me close, my head to his chest while I was still crying.

"I-it's ok (Y/N), I... I like you too." He said as he kissed my forehead. I was too shocked to do much, so I just tightly hugged him back. My tears were slowing down and after about 15 minuets, I pulled away.

"Th-thank you, Hajime. It feels nice to have someone to rely on in our situation." I gave him a faint smile and started to get up before Hajime called again.

"Oh, and one last thing (Y/N)." He said. I turned around to only be met with a pair of lips against mine. It was quick, because after that, Hajime pulled away and started to run away back to his room, also a stuttering mess.

"That's the Hajime I know and love." I giggled and went back to my room.


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