[Music Box] Nagito Komaeda X Reader

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A/N: play the video when told. Who doesn't love that song. Plus, it's a big part of the story.

4 people are dead already.

"H-How is this possible? Are people really that desperate?" I shakily said. "I-I can't do this, I don't know who to trust now..." I felt small drops of water fall on me, no, it was tears. "Wh-why h-have I been p-put into th-this situ-situation. WHY ME?!?!" I was yelling at nothing but myself. After that trial, I needed a break. I was just talking to myself in my cottage. And it was getting me no where.

I tried to calm down, but to no avail.

"If only 'he' was here"

My childhood friend. We used to see each other at the same park every day. He was the nicest person I have ever met. He always smiled, even if people made fun of him. When kids would bully him, I would get them to leave him alone. I never understood why people bullied him though.

We eventually got to see each other in school, but yet again, he was bullied. It once got so bad I actually knocked one of the bullies out. Yes, I did get suspended, but after that, no one bullied him anymore.

We were best friends, that was... Until he had to move away...

I was devastated, once he moved away, the bullies came to me then but, I was too sad to fight back or say anything. The bullies were so bad, they got me hospitalized and I even forgot my childhood friends name. There were just memories of him, but no name I could call him.

I did have one hope though. Before he left, I gave him a music box and told him,

'If we ever meet again, I want you to play this music box again when it's needed'

But, he never came back.

The tears kept coming, and they had no plans on stopping. I was feeling drowsy, and I was about to fall to sleep, until I heard a knock on my door.

*Knock Knock*

"Wh-What do you want?" I said quietly, but they seemed to hear me.

"It's Nagito, may I come in (Y/N)?" I asked. I needed to stay away from him. After that first trial, I wasn't sure about him.

"J-just l-leave me alone!" I started to cry more. I'm pretty sure it was obvious to him now.

"(Y-(Y/N), I really need to talk to you." He said. He's stuttering now? Why?

"Nagito I don't want to do this anymore! Everyone. Is. Dying. Don't you understand that?" I've completed snapped. "Your not helping either! Your making this worse Nagito! I don't want to die, but with these circumstances I will!" I was completely broken. I didn't notice though, that Nagito had came in during it.

He looked at me with worry in his eyes, this is the first time I saw him like that. Aside from when Monokuma showed up.

"Just leave. Please." I tried to speak through my tears. He slowly turned his back and started to walk out, but he stopped at the door.

And that's when I heard the faint sound of a Music Box...

~Start Video and keep reading~

"Wh-What?" I was stunned, that was all I could say. Nagito turned back to me and said.

"If we ever meet again, I want you to play this music box again when it's needed. Thats what you said, right (Y/N)?" He turned to me and gave me that same familiar smile.

We looked at each other for a while, and then I started to cry again, but it wasn't tears of sorrow.

They were tears of joy...

I got up and ran over to Nagito, hugging him really tight, and my face was in his chest. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I just kept repeating it while he hugged me. He started to cry as well.

"I'm the one who should be sorry (Y/N). I-I didn't realize how much I hurt you." He started to hug me tight as well. "I-I never expected you to like trash like me."

"Your not trash Komaeda, don't believe what those bullies said." I told him. I guess that can explain why he always called himself trash.

From that day forward, we hung out together all the time. Other people even started to be nicer towards Nagito. When he got the Despair disease, I was the first one to volunteer to help the ill. Everything was going great.

Until Nagito Died...

A/N: I'm not crying your crying. ;-; Ok maybe I'm crying. YEP IM CRYING. This is the saddest story I have wrote. 😭

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