[White Despair] Nagito X Mastermind!Reader

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(A/N): ok I had no idea what to do for the cover so take this MEP that has a really good song in it.

Everything is going according to plan.

The costume worked perfectly. After faking my death, no one would suspect me to be the mastermind. But I felt like something was off.

It was him...

The hope freak.

Hahaha, it's ironic how I, pure despair, can fall for someone who talks about hope.

That disguise isn't going to fool me. That's right, he's just pretending. His true identity is despair, it's written all over his face.

The original plan for the 5th trial is going to have to be modified. He will be mine...

Nagitos POV

Its going exactly according to plan. It's time to put on the final touch.

I put the duck tape on my mouth. Then, I start to grab the ropes and tie my legs and arm up. And to start it off, I grab the survival knife, and raise it into the air, untill...

~Ding Dong~

"Excuse me, Everyone! I have an important announcement to make. Please meet at the old ruins on the second island!"

"Wait, what?" A sudden Monokuma announcement? It sounds too convenient. He had to have done it to mess with my plans.

"Your announcement won't stop me." I said to the camera, and the camera turned on again?

~Ding Dong~

"Oh, and Nagito, you have to come uninjured! And you've got at most 10 minutes!"

"Ok what the fuck, your doing this on purpose!" I yelled at the camera. I'm already in a bad mood, what more do you want? I guess I don't have a choice.

~Time skip to near where Junko is shown~

~Your POV~

"The fifteen survivors of Hopes Peak Academy, and the Remnants of Despair are?!" Hajime said.

"Yes, both those phrases refers to you guys!" The fake Makoto said. The plan is going great, but this is getting boring. It's becoming predictable, I should speed it up.

~Nagitos POV~

"Ok, let's just cut to the chase." Monokuma said. He seems awfully impatient for some reason. Suddenly, Makoto just vanished out of thin air. "What happened to Makoto?" Sonia said surprised. "Well, I'm getting awfully bored here, so I decided to finally show you my TRUE FORM!" Monokuma said. "Does that mean your going to show us your true self? But we already know who it is, Junko Enoshima!" Hajime said. That talentless being always tried to be like a protagonist or something. It's starting to get annoying.

"You idiot, Enoshima is already dead, there's no way the mastermind is her." I told him coldly.

"Well, Enoshima could have made an AI for the program, but sadly, she never got to it!" Monokuma said. "So my assumption was correct, it's not Enoshima. Even trash like me was able to figure this out." I said to the group.

"Anyway, I believe it's showtime!" Monokuma then started to... Glow? Or was on fire, I didn't know.

"N-NOW MAKE SURE YOU BURN THIS DESPAIRING IMAGE INTO YOUR MIND" Monokuma yelled. Just then, he exploded, smoke engulfing the entire area. Once the smoke cleared, there was a silhouette of one more person here.

"So did you guys miss me, oh who am I kidding, of course you did!" The figure said. Wait, that sounds like...

~Your POV~

"(Y/N)! But you died!" Komaeda said. Aw, he's cute when he's surprised. "Didn't you all just discuss this? It's a game world! Anything can be possible here!" I said, then quickly changing my personality. "But I should educate you, you see, I had made an AI of myself. One that didn't need too much programming and it was pretty easy to make." I said like a teacher.

I looked away while Hajime spoke. "But why would yo- K-KOMAEDA?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I turned around to see Nagito run up and.... hug me?

"Thank god your alright (Y/N), I- I thought you were dead." He said with tears coming down his eyes.

Wait, what is this feeling? Is this... Hope? No, it can't be!

"Oi! Get off me, you peice of trash!" I quickly pushed him off. He looked at me with surprise in his eyes. "(Y-(Y/N)? I-I thought w-we were friends."

"Friends? With the mastermind? Hahaha! That just sounds like an easy way to get killed."

Why does it hurt me to say this to him?! Is it possibly love? That's impossible!

"ITS JUST TOOOOO FUCKING HOPELESS DONT YOU THINK?!" I laughed at him, and he just got sadder.

I'm supposed to be evil! What's happening to me?

"(Y/N), your feeling hope aren't you?" Komaeda said to me. "Wh-what? Of course not!" I lied.

"Then why are you stuttering?" Everyone just watched as confusion, fear, and curiously slipped onto their faces.

"...... I have no clue wha-" My words were cut off by a pair of lips against mine. What is this idiot doing?! Does he want to be killed? The kiss went on for about 10 seconds before he pulled away.

"...You truly are crazy, huh? I've done this to all of you, so how can you forgive me like that?" I said confused.

"You were under the influence of Enoshima, just like how we were. You were just influenced more than us." He said and smiled. I smiled back after a few seconds.

The Future foundation members came in and quickly got us out of the program. Most of us woke up and were taking care of the people in comatose. I had to explain the whole thing about them being in comatose when we woke up, along with Chiaki. A lot of People hated me for the whole killing game, but Ko was always there for me and We really lived a happy life on the island.

(A/N): Welp, I tried. I feel like Komaeda got really OOC on the story and now it's bothering me. But Jesus do you know how hard it was to write this. Like, when I first saw the request I was like, how the hell am I supposed to make this? Komaeda already hates Junko so how am I going to make him like a Mastermind? Anyway, it was an...Interesting... Experience writing this.

Holy fuck this one is long tho

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