Picking up a Pixie

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The exit terminal of the airport was bustling with people. Among the passengers rushing to get out, those moving sluggish, and families and friends reuniting with warm hugs; there was a young man sitting alone in a row of seating. The twenty-year-old stood out from the majority of the other people in the area. Clad in a black band t-shirt, it allowed for his colorful tattoos covering his arms to be exposed. The roughed up jeans, the white bandana atop long dark hair. The look mixed well with his own unique rugged kind of handsome with defined cheekbones and jaw, confident brown eyes, and a bit of scruff on his chin. He gave off a sort of bad boy/bad ass/degenerate vibe. Sure, he was maybe a scoundrel, but he had a big heart.

Brian Haner Jr. in a nutshell was passionate, strong, caring, an asshole, and one hell of a flirt. He was sort of a player -of the manwhore variety- but he didn't see that as a problem. The idea of himself being in a relationship kind of made him feel sick, but he did like sex. What was wrong with just having fun with other people? The unchained lifestyle suited him well. He had his own version of deep connections with people that satisfied him plenty, and that was with his best friends. Best friends he was planning to take the world over with with their music. Brian was nothing but dedicated when it came to the band they formed together. As the lead guitarist he was damn well going to give it his all to make sure Avenged Sevenfold really made it as a band. They had a pretty big following in their home state of California, but their dreams were bigger and they were going to show the world what they're made of.

And that brings us to Brian being in the John Wayne Airport in Santa Ana, California on a early Thursday evening. Unfortunately, his reasoning for being there wasn't because he was returning home from his band touring off in another country. Avenged Sevenfold hadn't reached that milestone yet, but touring life in the States was about to get way more hectic so some help was enlisted. And that help coming all the way from New Jersey was arriving today -or as the Arrivals sign indicated, was arriving in four minutes. The band was adding a second roadie to their crew, and Brian was tasked last minute with picking up the newbie.

Brian didn't really mind playing the part of taxi driver. He was actually looking forward to seeing the kid, because if memory served correct then he was a cute piece of ass. Brian had met him once briefly a little over a year ago with the band playing a gig in Jersey. Frank was his name; he had been pretty shy, but a solid 8 on the fuckable scale. Frank had been off limits that night. Reason numero uno being the pesky fact that he was the baby brother of their other guitarist's girlfriend. That guitarist, Zacky, had seen the way Brian looked at Frank back then -like a lion staring down a gazelle- and promptly drove the point home to Brian that he was not allowed to try and mess with Frank. Zacky's girlfriend was more than a little overprotective of the kid, and Zacky wasn't risking getting any unfair angry-girlfriend backlash if his best friend hurt Frank somehow. And Brian supposed there was that second reason that Frank had only been seventeen at the time.

Brian was curious to see how a year's time treated the kid, and with the ring of his cellphone it seemed like Brian was going to find out soon. "Hello?" he answered.

"Um, hey," an unsure voice started, "Is this Brian? I'm Frank, Chelsea's brother."

"Hey. Yeah, dude. I'm your chauffeur today. I assume you landed and are ready to roll?"


"Cool. I got here early. I'm sitting right outside of baggage claim. In case you have no idea what I look like; I'm wearing a Pantera shirt and I'm easily the best looking person in the general vicinity." Brian smirked to himself. He couldn't help that it was true.

Frank chuckled softly in response. "Alright. I think I'm right by you. I'll see you in a second then, thanks."

Brian tucked his phone away and relaxed back in his seat, letting his arms rest splayed out over the backs of the seats on either side of him. He watched people walking in though the entrance way, wondering if he'd be able to recognize the young man right away. The Frank he met a year ago had short brown hair styled up in a fauxhawk, and that's what Brian couldn't help but try to search out for. Brian let himself get distracted for a moment, his eyes following along with the particularly perk behind of an attractive young blonde woman. It didn't matter what was between a person's legs as far as Brian was concerned. Man or woman: hot was hot.

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