Just Him

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It was close to midnight by the time Brian finally convinced Chelsea to leave his apartment, that he could handle watching out for Frank. The doctor ordered bed rest had started about six hours ago, and Frank had basically been asleep since the car ride home from the hospital. All the unconsciousness had made Brian nervous regardless of the assuring words from a medical professional. Because concussions and sleep were supposed to be a bad mix, right? But despite Brian's feelings, the best medicine was sleep and rest. Brian was intent on helping Frank follow the discharge instructions to a T. But Brian already figured it would probably end up being more like forcing than helping. The limitations because of the kid's torn shoulder, no problem; but the second degree concussion recovery was most likely going to drive Frank crazy. The poor head-trauma boy was to be restricted from any form of mental or physical stimulation for a week. "Any" as in not even being allowed to read, play around with his phone or watch TV. Once the sleepiness symptom went away Brian knew Frank was going to be agonizingly bored, but Brian would make his friend suffer through it because that's what was going to get Frank properly recovered. Brian was going to do everything he could to make sure Frank got better.

The small lamp atop the nightstand in Brian's bedroom gave the room a warm glow. Brian quietly padded over to stand beside his occupied bed.  Frank was still blissfully unconscious thanks to the lovely combination of head trauma and Percocets. There nestled among the pillows and blankets Frank looked peaceful, and Brian couldn't help the small smile from appearing on his face. It didn't take long for that smile to fade, though, as Brian's mind began to wander. Wander to a dark place of what ifs. Frank could just as easily be lying on a slab in a morgue right now. The image was like an ice pick through the heart. The thought of Frank being gone, it made Brian suddenly lose his breath. It was like all the fear and feelings from today just hit him at full force all at once. And for the first time since he learned of Frank's accident, Brian cried. His eyes had welled up a little during his panicked cab ride to the hospital, but now the tears were falling. He could have lost Frank. And then what? Brian never would have had the chance to...

To make it right.

Brian wiped away the wetness from his cheeks. He knew what his "making it right" promise meant now. Brian gently combed his fingers through Frank's hair and quietly breathed out a curse of acceptance. "Fuck."

Brian pulled out his cellphone as he made his way back into his living room. He sent the call out to Jimmy and started pacing in front of his sofa as it rang.

"Well well, I know it's technically Wednesday and I said I'd come over today to check on the wee one and help you out with him or whatever, but it's also only technically been Wednesday for eleven minutes, so cut a guy some slack." Jimmy answered cheekily. "Having problems over there already?"

Brian sighed and stopped with his pacing. "I like him." He stated openly. "This was all just a slap in the face, you know? I mean, fuck Jimmy, he could have died and... just, fuck. I've been so stupid." Brian collapsed down onto the sofa amidst his speech. "I've been lying to myself, and I mean, dude, I haven't fucked another person since I can't fucking remember, but like, I was still telling myself I'd just cheat on him and shit. But fuck, I don't want anyone else. Just him."

"About damn time, dumbass."

Brian could hear the snarky smile behind Jimmy's words, and all Brian could do was agree. About damn time.


Brian quickly thanked his dad for the ride and then hauled ass out of the car and back to his apartment with a few paper bags in hand. That impound lot bullshit he had to deal with had taken way longer than he expected. Three fucking hours. It was already past noon. He hadn't wanted to be gone from the apartment so long. Today was special. Today Frank's doctor ordered bed rest was over. Today Brian planned to spill his guts.

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