Sharpies and Crickets and Mud Fights, Oh My!

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It was Warped Tour, day twenty-two. Twenty-one days of van living so far, with one spoiled night at a motel.  Brian performed nineteen killer shows with his bandmates, traveled though twelve states, had eight lovely nights filled with drunken shenanigans, and managed to find the time to get laid four times —among some second and third base action. This was actually a bit more action than Brian was used to getting while on tour. Sure, he was a hot lead guitarist of a kickass band, and naturally there were plenty of chicks (and the occasional dudes) that wanted in his pants; but being a band in the travel-by-smelly-van world made the whole hook up thing harder.  But this tour was different.

Yeah, Brian managed to get lucky with two different girls he didn't know, but the other two hook ups and all the other fooling around came a little bit easier in the form of Frank Iero.  With the addition of Frank to the crew, Brian didn't just gain a pretty bitchin' guitar tech, but also a sexual outlet on tap. The one time quest of the kid had slipped into a secret fuckbuddy arrangement of sorts. Brian had been all about going one more round with Frank after that hot night at Johnny's, but after Brian did get that one more fling in a gas station restroom from a very willing Frank, Brian couldn't help but crave the kid. He knew he was entering into what could turn into a hairy situation; Brian had briefly done the whole 'friends with benefits' thing once before, but the 'friends' part collapsed after he cut off the 'benefits'. Amanda had been a pretty cool friend, and it was a shame she got all bitchy upset and made the friendship end, but Brian couldn't help that the sex got old and didn't want it from her anymore. Brian hoped when the time came, Frank wouldn't give a shit when the sex ended.

But as of now there was no end in sight. Just that morning Brian managed to use his smooth talking to convince Frank to a quick feel-me-up makeout session behind some semi trucks at the tour's latest venue stop. Touring is what Brian was bred for, but though it was fulfilling and fun as all hell, it also had its' stressful times. Those little sexual rendezvous with Frank were the perfect stress-relieving outlet, as well as intensely enjoyable and satisfying. Plus Brian got that added bonus of amusement of Frank being so anxious when they'd first slip away somewhere alone. The kid was so adorably nervous about somebody seeing what they were up to, but in the end Frank wanted it —needed it— so sexytime was always a go when the rare chances presented themselves. Brian couldn't help but feel pretty damn pleased with himself. The power of his seductive prowess truly did unleash a little sexually pent up tiger in Frank, and landed Brian a sweet easy access platonic sex deal.

This was turning out to be the best damn tour to date. And sure, having a fuckbuddy along for the ride added an awesome new angle, but the shows and fans were pounding with so much energy. Being up on the stage in his element everyday was even more intoxicating that usual. Today's set in particular had been an off-the-charts crazy energetic. Any gig where a mud fight mosh pit breaks out is definitely a success. The fairgrounds the tour was at were about seventy-five percent mud due to torrential downpours the night before. The rain held off on the gray dismal day, but there was mud everywhere. And in a lot of places the kind of thick, glutinous mud where you were swallowed up to your ankles and there were plenty of abandoned sandals and sneakers left in the wake.

Brian had had a blast, got thoroughly cover in mud, and now buzzed with a sort of evil anticipation. Avenged's set was done, but there was still a few hours left to the tour day. Hours that should be used to help sell merch, or help out friends in other bands, or even just enjoying the music; but Brian was using this time to reap some revenge.

Pranks between bands was a time honored tradition of Warped Tour, but some dipshits done fucked up messing with Synyster Gates yesterday. And during Avenged's time slot, no less. The dudes of Devils Will Fall were friends and all around good little shits, but they picked the wrong man to ambush on stage, fucking circling him with cling wrap and trapping his arms down while he still tried to play his guitar. Brian was going to get his revenge today, and he happened to be carrying said revenge in a white paper bag.  All Brian needed to do now was find his prank accomplice, Zacky.

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