Politics isn't bottle of our beer

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⚠ NSFW for politics

There's nothing we could learn about the Leonardo's conspiracy save for the one thing that Karl managed to recall a secret meeting that Leonardo was planning to hold.

"Do you know who's going to attend?" Alec inquired Karl who was still sulking about Anita's attitude towards him though the girl, herself was scared of him for her childish mind.

"I can't tell anything about them but I bet members of some secret society" He shrugged nonchalantly

"Free masons??" I yelled out in surprise. Renesmee rolled her eyes at me and questioned Karl,

"Have you by any chance seen those agents?"

"Knock some sense in yourself, girl".He chuckled and his voice had a fluttery effect on us. He's dangerous than a missile.

"Leonardo hasn't seen them how in the Hades I knew them?"
"That point." Zach rubbed his chin in thoughtfulness that had stubble on it for he didn't get time to shave and Gina was quite busy taking in his morning sexiness.

"We can infiltrate the meeting?" Alec broke the silence, his political mind was coming up with a master piece of plan that already gave me 'not a good idea' feeling.

"How? We don't know where's the meeting is?" Renesmee questioned back.

"Spy on Leonardo he would lead us to his cock dung."

"Omg, Kevan you're genius!" I jumped to hug my friend who sometimes to a marvellous blunder of intelligence.
Mission possible#
 Zach, Alec, Renesmee, Kevan, Gina, Anita and Me

Project# Infiltration into meeting

Escape plan# Don't get caught

Backup plan# We will come up with this later
Plan 1: Spying on Leonardo

We put on ninjas uniform and black masks packing our backpacks with some necessary items and made to Leonardo's manor. It's around 8:00 pm that we were waiting behind his mansion in our jeep for him. A figure came out of the secret passage of the house from the background and got inside his car to the road passing through the thick woods. Renesmee ignited the car and followed Leonardo though putting a good distance between us to avoid being caught.

"Do you think he could be part of some dark occult or magic?" Anita whispered clinging onto Gina's arm eyeing the trees and creepers that look twisted in the darkness of night.
"Anita, get hold of yourself" Gina chided the girl and asked Renesmee to stop the car pointing at the building in the distance.
"We should walk from here" Zach suggested unbuckling the seat belt and jumped out of the jeep. We all fell in his steps walking through the trees to the building, that was a more of ruins. It's Leonardo we're talking about, he would choose this type of place for his evil projects.

 What else to expect of him?

We entered the mouth of building that was a shock he didn't have guards at the entrance gate. We stopped at the door that had a gadget attached to its lock asking for the code to the passage.

"Do you know the code?" Alec asked Zach

"I don't think Karl told me something about the secret codes to open the locks?" Zach asked us to back away and charged like a speed of leopard at the door breaking it into two splinters.

"Woah!" Gina whistled and Zach slapped his hand over her mouth to hush her.

"Are you crazy?" Anita smacked her head and followed everyone else inside the narrow corridors that appeared to be some kind of labyrinth. We walked through the maze but it seemed like everytime we ended where we would start from. After being lost and finding each other in the catacombs of Leonardo, somehow we managed to enter the grand majestic hall filled with people.

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