There's a phrase 'cat is out of the bag' that suited our current predicament of being rotten in the dungeon prison. The idiom might have something to do with a cat in Elizabethan England, maybe a notorious underground criminal who happened to carry a sack and when the Queen watchdog, detective Sherlock Holmes ,had gotten his hands on the sack, it must have nothing but a cat meowing up at the detective. Between Elizabethan era and Sherlock Holmes, there's no connection even far fetched conceit to weave a tapestry of coherence. But neither the phrase that Kevan had put 'wolf is out of the bag' referring to Zack with whom he, himself, had disagreed that 'neither he can transform into his wolf form nor they are out of the prison' fit the description.
To make long story short, if I put it directly there's nothing that could make sense about us.
I sat supporting my aching back against the rough stones of the wall, that had trickles of water leaking out of them and by the sound of faint rushing water, I could tell by the wet walls of dungeon that it had a spring behind it. Anita and Gina had come around, trying to push their body up in sitting position groaning in pain. Their eyes widened at the sight of boys and Anita was rubbing her eyes because she couldn't believe her eyes for what she saw. Alec, Jared and Kevan, no they weren't having threesome show for us. Their threesome would've been in a wrestling ring of breaking bones if only they had guts of violence but what they had been doing for past hours added a good entertainment for the rest of prisoners confined in neighbouring cells. The boys, as if they had lost their minds which had flyers of 'wanted' and 'missing' in the entire town, were doing pole dance holding bars of the cells. Alec had his legs crossed around the bar, sliding up and down giving a fluid S motion of ass by jutting his buttocks out in absolute stand out manner. I will not lie that his actions didn't made me flush not with embarrassment but with the fact of that I was simply enjoying it. Kevan had his ankles crossed on the rod and lowered his body down to bend back swaying his arms in some Hawaiian dance. I wished if only he could've been in coconut bra and skirt of leaves and I bet King Kong would've stolen him.
What's the most infuriating sight before my poor eyes that Jared's actions which made me stare at him trying to decipher whether he's rubbing his crotch against the rod or scratching his back against it with the manner he's sliding himself up and down. I gritted my teeth taking in his movements by my eyes and for one moment I felt deep down in my guts that I was a man watching a virgin maiden. I glared at Jared not knowing what to do with this idiot who has ruined my life and he, in return pouted back at me that made me go crazy.
How can I stay mad when he does that pout that I want to kiss so badly?
And what's the formula to sanity? Stupid Jared, his stupid face and stupid pout'
'More like I'm a stupid myself', a voice in the corner of my mind berated me for getting love-struck by his idiocy and stupidity but that's what it makes him different from others. I inhaled deeply through my nose and raised myself on my feet heading straight towards the boys that I rationalized hadn't been holding pole dance rather fleas were making them all antsy.
"Get away from the bars!" I ordered them and they made a room for me. They prisoners in next cells who were whistling, catcalling and howling at the boys got the worst out of me. I gripped the bars between my tight fists and shouted back at them.
" The show is over for free from now on I'll put tickets on these monkeys!"
"Whom are you calling monkey?" Kevan got on his defensive side of pride, if he had any. There's a moment when your inner self is showing virtual toothy grin when you make a good joke that no one can get except you.
"You, you and you", I pointed at Alec, Jared and Kevan respectively only in a manner of sequence. Calling these men, which I shall say far from the adult minds, respected is a disrespect to the word 'Respect' itself. Since I feel the word falls in feminine category of language and I'm a feminist myself, so I won't disrespect the respect.
Vampire who cried Human
VampireA creature right out of the horror novels that possess ghost and drive them to insanity. When I was born, prophecy was made that darkness will befall on me. My family and covenants kept me sheltered from the evil. I was four when mother told me I ha...